View Full Version : Greater Doule-collared Sunbird

John Deakin
09-14-2008, 01:18 PM
Captured with:

Nikon D3
Nikkor 500 VR + 1.4x extender
Aperture priority F/10
-0.3 EV
Centre weighted metering
ISO 400
Dynamic 21 points, Active D-lighting on low
SB 800 flash, off camera flash on flash bracket attached to Wimberley II

I wish the dark area up top wasn't there and if my pp skills were a tad better I could probably alter that :(

Your comments are welcome and appreciated, john

Tony Whitehead
09-14-2008, 02:45 PM
20894Hi John, fill flash definitely a step up from your last post - BG a lot brighter and not looking obviously flashed. The best way around the BG issue is to try and spot it before taking the shot and altering your shooting position a little to avoid it. In your image as it stands my approach would be to use the clone stamp in lighten mode on a new layer followed by a little healing if needed. I have had a quick go on my laptop with trackpad so it's not too precise and I haven't cleaned up around the tail, but gives you an idea. Others will no doubt have different approaches.

Glenn Bartley
09-14-2008, 02:55 PM
Very cool bird and I love the flower. I definitely agree that it looks better w/out the dark area at the top.

Ramon M. Casares
09-14-2008, 04:24 PM
A better head turn would've put this one just right over the top, still as it is, is an outstanding shot! Lovely BG, pose and light! Congratulations!

Daniel Cadieux
09-14-2008, 07:27 PM
A head turn more towards us may have put more iridescence lower on the face. I love how the Sunbird is clinging to the flower, very neat! I might add more room at right next to the flower to match the amount of space you have at left next to the bird.

Linda Robbins
09-16-2008, 08:39 PM
I love the typical sunbird pose you've captured in this image, and the flowers are great. I agree with removing the dark area at the top. Although it would be nice if the bird had given you a bit more of a head turn so that the eye was more visible, if this were my image, I might work on the eye by adding a small catchlight which will add life to the eye.,

John Deakin
09-16-2008, 10:39 PM
Thank you so much for your comments and suggestions, each one appreciated and noted for next time.

Linda, thanks you for adding your comment regarding a catchlight. not only do I still struggle with post processing techniques, I am also learning just what is 'acceptable', I was always under the impression that adding catchlights is frowned upon, now I know it is done by others I may have a go in future as I agree adding one here would bring more life to the subject.
