View Full Version : Red Kite

Rich Steel
08-29-2008, 05:53 PM

I dropped in to the Red Kite feeding station at Gigrin Farm in Mid-Wales while passing yesterday. As has been typical for the UK lately the light conditions were dire with heavy cloud and general gloom. Not ideal conditions for birds that do not tend to land but swoop down rapidly without warning to collect the scatter chunks of beef. I decided photographing the birds against the horrid light grey sky was a non-starter so decided to try and get them when they made their low level fast swoops to get some vegetation as the background.

I always find birds with their wings upright a awkward crop in landscape so decided to try a potrait on this one.


Taken with 1Dmk3 and 500mm lens at ISO 640 F4 at 1/800 s. Evaluative metering with centre point selected.

Anyone visiting the UK should definately add Gigrin Farm to their list of essential places to visit, especially as they have just added to new hides specifically for photographers. Its is a wonderful spectacle. To see what you can expect there check out some of the videos on their website (Google: Gigrin Farm) :)



Rob Palmer
08-29-2008, 06:13 PM
I like this in portrait mode. Very sharp and well exposed. Would love to visit there soon!

Robert O'Toole
08-29-2008, 08:02 PM
Great image, I like the portrait in camera, it was in camera right? Details and sharpness are wonderful and the green and brown BG is always better than grey or white. Good HA.
I wish you could have avoided the black strip across the top. Otherwise a great image anyway.


Alfred Forns
08-29-2008, 10:12 PM
Very fine image Rich Fine detail, wing position and pleasing bg I like this a lot !!!

Markus Jais
08-30-2008, 02:06 AM
wonderful flight shot. I like the light and the upright wing position.


Kirk Benson
08-30-2008, 02:40 AM
You've captured a beautiful flight shot and exposure is spot on, great detail and color. Very well done.

John Chardine
08-30-2008, 06:39 AM
Funnily enough I had heard a report about this place on the BBC just a day or so ago (I assume it's the same place). What a spectacular bird and this is a really nice portrait of one flying. The light is excellent and so much better than bright sun in this situation. I wouldn't dismiss photographing against a grey sky with fill flash- if you are allowed to use this. You may get very nice results. I would crop some off the bottom so that the head is just about at the bottom 1/3 line.

Linda Robbins
08-30-2008, 09:14 AM
Vertical flight shots are difficult, and this is really a wonerful pose you have captured. The soft light was ideal for capturing this image and all the fine detail in the plumage. The dark strip at the top of the bg is not ideal, but not too objectionable. Thank you for the infomation on Gigrin Farm, I will definitely try to get there one of these days!

Rich Steel
08-31-2008, 07:57 AM
Thanks for the replies.

John you are allowed to use flash there but I rarely do and didn't have mine with me. I am hoping to return in November when numbers should have increased and the birds are looking at their best after moutling.

