View Full Version : King Penguin Love

Linda Robbins
01-11-2008, 11:55 PM
Location: Hercules Bay, South Georgia Island

I spent last January on an incredible Zegrahms trip to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and the Antarctic Peninsula to see some of the most incredible wildlife on the planet. On a very cold, rainy morning Zegrahms capable experienced crews took some of us by Zodiac for a landing at Hercules Bay where there is a large King Penguin colony. After an hour of pretty miserable weather the rain stopped, and when I saw that this pair of king penguins were going to copulate, I sprinted to get into position(as much as you can sprint carrying a 500mm lens on a tripod while wearing antarctic clothing and boots!) King penguins are sweetly affectionate and tender with each other.

Shutter speed: 1/400 sec
Aperture: 11
Exposure mode: Av
Flash: Off
ISO: 400
Focal length: 500mm

Lana Hays
01-12-2008, 08:23 AM
Someday......I want to do that trip. An excellent behavioral image. I'd have to say this is the first shot of copulation that I've ever seen with penguins. Truly a tender moment......and you have captured it well.

Arthur Morris
01-12-2008, 04:07 PM
Dear Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gentleman, You are all being too shy. 87 views. 1 comment. And that with an amazing image. Lana is right, images or penguins copulating are exceedingly rare at best. As hard as the moderators and staff are working at critiquing, if more folks do not at least offer their comments and suggestions we will fail. We need your help.

And the situation is similar with the great majority of images. If your excuse is that the image is good, just say that and state what you like about it.

Here, I love the framing, and well, yes, the action. Not sure what the background would have been but getting right down on the ground in the penguin guano would have given the image an even more intimate feel.

later and love, artie

Glenn Bartley
01-12-2008, 06:48 PM
What a great image. I have seen loads of penguin shots but none quite like this one. Well done Linda!

Doctor Ruth
01-12-2008, 07:13 PM
I'm speechless :)

Mike Lentz
01-12-2008, 08:06 PM
Now that post above mine was funny! :D
Nice timing, Linda. This is a very nice image.

Jeff Wear
01-12-2008, 10:33 PM
what to say this is a great capture --comp, color ,action and tender

Nicole Brooker
01-13-2008, 01:09 AM
What a great experience and you've captured it nicely. It was worth the cold and rainy morning.

Gus Cobos
03-25-2008, 10:29 AM
Hey Linda,
This looks like something straight from National Geographic...:)
Big Congrats...:D