View Full Version : Black-capped Chickadee

Bob Lund
01-11-2008, 10:21 PM
When the weather here is lousy, I stand in my driveway and wait for the Chickadee's, Dark-eyed Junco's and Spotted Towhees. Chicadees are my favorites.

This is my first post here. A quick review told me this will be a great place to get help :) Thanks for looking, and comments are welcome - Bob

Nikon D200
Nikkor 300mm 2.8 + 1.7 TC

Bob Lund
01-12-2008, 09:48 AM
Sorry! I intended to post this in the birds forum. I tried to contact the moderator, but apparantly don't have 'permissions' to do so? If the moderator could move this I'd sure appreciat it- Thanks, Bob

Alfred Forns
01-12-2008, 10:07 AM
Got Bob !!!! Just landed in birds !!!!

I like the pose and bird placement Might take a tad of the bottom and brighten a bit Excellent feather detail I like it !!!!

Bob Lund
01-12-2008, 10:25 AM
Alfred - Thank you for the quick move to the correct forum, and your suggestions. Neat to see this forum taking off - Bob

Rene Quenneville
01-13-2008, 07:25 PM
Great picture Bob. These little fellows are very difficult to capture. The big difference in contrast between the black and the white almost always call for a dose of highlight/shadows in photoshop. My son Joël took many pictures of these small winter birds. He has posted a few on our website http://www.quennevillephoto.com/PhotoAlbums/StockWildlife/index_5.html