View Full Version : Red-billed Leiothrix - Leiothrix lutea

Tang, Chi Kwong
08-06-2008, 10:44 PM
Nikon D300 , 500/f.4 , 1/800 , Iso800 , In Guizhou ,china..

Axel Hildebrandt
08-06-2008, 10:47 PM
Beautiful bird and I like the alert pose. The bird is a bit tight in the frame and looks oversaturated on my monitor and I wish the sun would have been behind you. I would clone out the branch in the upper right. Thanks for sharing!

Doug Brown
08-06-2008, 11:24 PM
Spectacular bird to be sure. Although I've not seen one before, it does appear to be oversaturated. I would probably back off on the sharpening also. Axel makes some good points about cloning and composition. Thanks for posting!

Sudhir Shivaram
08-07-2008, 02:10 AM
This is a beautiful bird. The pose, the catch light and the head turn are really good. Is this a heavy crop image ? The details in the bird are not seen properly. Very nice complementing background as well. I agree with the cloning part, but cannot comment on the saturation as I am not sure about the actual colours of this bird.

Glenn Bartley
08-07-2008, 09:35 AM
I just wish for some more direct lighting or fill flash...otherwise really cool!

Arthur Morris
08-07-2008, 11:44 AM

This is a beautiful bird (duh!) and a beautiful photograph. I am fine with the backlight as you did not over-expose the bird's upper back. Definitely too tight... Wonderful head angle and alert pose. Let's see more!

Daniel Cadieux
08-07-2008, 06:15 PM
In addition I would say that the bright neon green blotch at bottom could (should) go. What a great looking bird, I definitely want to see more!!

Juan Carlos Vindas
08-07-2008, 11:14 PM
Beautiful bird, I really like this guy and its colors, I agree about the room and the green blotch.