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Robert D. Gregg
07-31-2008, 08:03 PM
Is this a house sparrow?


James Prudente
07-31-2008, 09:44 PM
Yes, it is a male. They are very pretty in their full courting plumage.


John Chardine
08-01-2008, 06:21 AM
Agree with James. The name "sparrow" is problematic because it is applied to several unrelated bird groups. House Sparrows are currently put in the old world or "true" sparrow family Passeridae but they used to be classified with the weaver finch family. They were introduced into North America. House Sparrows have been declining in the Europe and North America and what was once a very familiar bird is getting uncommon. No one knows why the species is declining.

Juan Carlos Vindas
08-01-2008, 10:13 AM
I agree with you John, and maybe the mistake begun since the other 'sparrows' look alike to this house sparrow, I am talking about the Emberizidae family. Some members of this family look just like the house sparrow but have differences of course.

Robert D. Gregg
08-01-2008, 12:12 PM
Thank you all. I have been observing a flock of about 50 in number. Too much fun. :)


Tell Dickinson
08-11-2008, 03:34 PM
Hi, just a note to say that we have lost an awful lot of House Sparrows in the UK over the last 10 or so years but the really worrying thing is that nobody seems to know why ?

Anyway what were House Sparrows called before there were houses :)
