View Full Version : New To Critique

Joanna Trescott
07-29-2008, 10:24 AM
I had to shoot into the early morning sun to get this broad-tailed hummingbird feeding on a willow. I added the catchlight. The red naped sapsucker creates the checkerboard feeding area. I shot with Canon 20D and 400 mm hand held lens at 5.6.

Doug Brown
07-29-2008, 12:04 PM
Hi Joanna! It takes a little courage to post here on BPN, but I think you'll find the experience very rewarding! I like your basic composition here, but it's tough to photograph hummers with available light at 1/100 second; it's almost imposssible to get a sharp photo with settings like that. BTW it helps a lot if you do post your complete tech specs for your photos (in this case f/5.6, 1/100, ISO 400, -1/3 EC, no flash). There seems to be a fair amount of noise in the BG, and the diagonal branch in front of the bird is a little distracting. All in all a nice first effort! Thanks for posting!

Julie Kenward
07-29-2008, 02:17 PM
Welcome, Joanna! Don't be shy about posting in the regular forums but just wanted to point out that the "Eager To Learn" area will help you get your feet wet if you feel at all overwhelmed. You are more than welcome to post in either area.

I agree with Doug on all counts - I could go for the wings being blurry (as the lighting is so nice!) if the head were in better focus. Next to the focus issue is the noise issue and that could use some work. If you need help with how to reduce noise (that splattered ink effect) check out the educational forums - I'm sure you can find some help there.

Welcome to BPN!

Roman Kurywczak
07-29-2008, 03:21 PM
Hi Joanna,
Welcome! Possible improvements mentioned already but will give one recommendation for noise reduction software. Noise Ninja by picture code; http://www.picturecode.com/ is a software I really like and I'm sure others will chime in with more choices.

Joanna Trescott
07-29-2008, 06:05 PM
Thanks Roman, Julie and Doug. I will check out the noise software. But, maybe it will be better if I wait and shoot in better light conditions! I definitely will check out the other forums as I am a neophyte at this!

Arthur Morris
08-01-2008, 04:32 PM
Hi Joanna,

Welcome. What: only three houses???

I like the blurred wings and the pattern of the sapsucker wells.

Wonderful behavior with the hummer getting food of some sort--either sap or insects--from the sapsucker wells.


1-get yourself a tripod! The Gitzo 3530 with a Mongoose M2.3 is ideal for the 400mm f/5.6. (We have both in stock.)

2- if you had moved to your left here, you would have better paralleled the subject.

3-use a very tiny sharp-edged (hard) brush when adding a highlight to make it look more natural.

4- do not shy away from making images in low light--that is the best time to get creative.