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View Full Version : Morning Glory

Paul Merritt
07-24-2008, 07:06 PM
Taken on the Outer Banks of NC. 40D Av Mode Spot Metering ISO 100 1/250 sec f/5.6 w/400L


Julie Kenward
07-24-2008, 07:31 PM
That morning glory is just gorgeous Paul! It's so well lit, nicely sharpened...really fabulous. The BG is a bit busy for me but I can learn to live with it...let's see what others think.

Bruce Murden
07-24-2008, 11:28 PM
Good DOF on the flower with only f/5.6. I also like the subtle glow on the flower, but I agree with Julie that there's a little too much detail or bright contrast in the BG that distracts. Also, the bud ends up in the center of the frame, which stagnates the image a touch. I'd consider a little more angle to the flower in the frame, and a different crop -- maybe even square, where the shape of the flower will not make it seem so bulls-eyed.

Ed Vatza
07-25-2008, 06:57 AM
Hi Paul,

You handled the flower very well. I particularly like the way you've handled the color here. Looks good.

I agree with what Julie and Bruce have said about the background. That said. I have made my share of Morning Glory images of late and the backgrounds have been a constant source of problems. Even wide open, there doesn't seem to be enough distance between the subject and background to give a nice smooth bg.

Robert O'Toole
07-25-2008, 05:01 PM
I like the flower placement and the diagonal comp.

The light is nice but I do see a blue cast. also you might want to try to darken the BG. It would make the OOF elements less distracting.
