View Full Version : Red Squirrel Jump X

Andreas Liedmann
04-29-2024, 12:23 PM
Hey folks ... I changed the set up to get them jumping with the reward :bg3: .
Due to the location structure I have to move the set up , I can't really move with my kit . The Squirrel needs to get used to the new set up , so it does take a short while once she is confident again . And she is coming less frequent , maybe because of the warmer weather .... who knows . I had the most visits ... when it was cold and rainy :t3:bg3:
Hope you like the way back with the reward ....
I am not entirely happy with the posterization in the BG , think just the compression made it

Canon EOS R 6 II
RF 400 2,8 + 2x TC

F 9 ; Iso 10.000 ; 1/2500 sec

Processed with DT 4.7.0 and PSCC 2024 ; slight crop and canvas added to the top and RHS

Thanks for looking and commenting to my last postings

Cheers Andreas

Gabriela Plesea
04-29-2024, 02:02 PM
It's really cute Andreas, and IMO this is the best of the lot. Nice detail on the face of the little Ninja and its little nails. And nut, of course:bg3:

Colours look good here, not quite sure about the water droplet as it looks more like a dust bunny, but that's entirely up to you.

Posterisation not too obvious and I like the dark green background, composition is great. Nice work!

Kind regards,

Andreas Liedmann
04-30-2024, 12:13 PM
Thanks Gabriela ... yeah the Ninja is something that you like :bg3: , my bad about leaving the dust bunny :t3. Should go ...

My next idea is to capture one from the bottom , to get a jump against the sky .... well that is really tricky to get . And at first I need a blue sky .... which is not that easy here .

Cheers Andreas