View Full Version : Brown Pelican

Joseph Przybyla
09-21-2023, 06:24 AM
I captured this image at Ft. DeSoto County Park in Pinellas County, Florida. Comments and critique welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for viewing.

Nikon D500
Nikon 500mm PF, Handheld
1/2000 F/5.6 Matrix Metering EV +1/3 ISO 720 Auto 1 WB, image captured at 500mm (750mm 35mm Equivalent)
Post processed in Lightroom Classic
Cropped for composition and presentation

Steve Kaluski
09-21-2023, 08:45 AM
Hi Joe, I've only seen Pelicans in Galapagos or perhaps at a zoo, but was it really that colour?

Joseph Przybyla
09-22-2023, 05:05 AM
Hi Joe, I've only seen Pelicans in Galapagos or perhaps at a zoo, but was it really that colour?

Hi Steve, thank you for viewing and commenting. After reading your comment I revisited the image. I had made a local adjustment on the bird raising the Temperature by +5. I think that may have made the bird too yellow, I deleted that and checking the white on the bird the numbers were better. Here is a repost.

Steve Kaluski
09-22-2023, 06:06 AM
hi Joe, what other colours did you address in the HSL panel? You also applied NR too, judging by the wings????


Joseph Przybyla
09-22-2023, 10:37 AM
hi Joe, what other colours did you address in the HSL panel? You also applied NR too, judging by the wings????


Hi Steve, I didn't change any colors, I rarely use the HSL sliders, pretty much go with the colors out of the camera. I did use Lightroom's Denoise at the default settings. I worked up the image making a virtual copy of the original without any settings applied. Then I copied the settings to this image but did not use Denoise as the beginning step in post processing. This repost doesn't have noise reduction. WDYT?

P.S. The crop may be a little different in this image.

Daniel Cadieux
09-22-2023, 03:04 PM
The last repost does need a bit of NR indeed, but not as aggressive as your OP. Looks like it was early morning judging by the yellowish colours - perhaps a touch strong though (all three versions). Was this recent? If yes, did you see the flamingos?

Joseph Przybyla
09-22-2023, 04:46 PM
The last repost does need a bit of NR indeed, but not as aggressive as your OP. Looks like it was early morning judging by the yellowish colours - perhaps a touch strong though (all three versions). Was this recent? If yes, did you see the flamingos?

Hi Dan, thank you for viewing and commenting. Unfortunately, I did not get over to the coast to see the flamingos. There is still one at Ft. DeSoto that was captured and banded, also a tracking device was put on one leg. I have seen photos of the bird and would not photograph it with the bands and tracking device, just me. I'll try reducing the yellow in the image.

Arthur Morris
09-23-2023, 08:02 AM
Yes, the first one was a bit too yellow. Otherwise, the colors are accurate for breeding plumage Brown Pelican. To my eye, however, the bird in both looks funky as if too much NR were applied. And I am not a fan of the near wing position.

with love, artie