View Full Version : Buzzard (Buteo buteo)

Jonathan Ashton
09-17-2023, 02:55 PM
I was taking a few shots as it stood on the brow of the hill and suddenly it took off, I took a few images before I had chance to alter SS. The image has been cropped and a little canvas added on the RHS, the sky in the top left has been replaced. Image captured hand held from car window.
OM-1 150-400TC (1000mm equiv FF)
Exposure mode : Manual exposure
ISO : 1000
Exposure compensation : +0.3 EV
Shutter : 1/400 sec
Aperture : F5.6


William Dickson
09-18-2023, 06:23 AM
Hi Jon. I would have taken the shot, but, this isn't working for me. The bird is flying away, and the moss grasses in the FG seem very jagged.


Steve Kaluski
09-18-2023, 10:57 AM
HI Jon, the area below the skyline has the appearance of being out of alinement, jarring, as if two elements need to come together to achieve focus, like focus peeking I guess?

I like the location, but like Will, it's not working, the bird is central, flying away and some elements are in focus others not on the subject ie along the back. I would also loose the circular spot and bring the sky to the top of the trim, or crop a sliver The grass is patchy in colour, highlighting the RT (retouching), if you have upgraded to PS'24 then its an absolute breeze with the new G tool, best addition for years, albeit open to abuse.

I might try and be a bit 'arty' with the grass, but just a thought.


Arthur Morris
09-18-2023, 01:33 PM
Not thrilled by the original as the bird is still too centered and is flying away. Though I did not mind the grasses, I like the blur better.
with love, a

ps: good to see that you removed the whitish circle from the BKGR that was in the ORIG.

Jonathan Ashton
09-18-2023, 03:39 PM
Thanks everyone, glad it proved of interest. I like what you did Steve, I will pursue!!

Andreas Liedmann
09-19-2023, 02:00 PM
Hi Jon ... sorry to say , but the frame is not working for me as presented .Bird is flying away and the processing is somehow off .... at least for me .

Steve´s Rp is saving it a bit ... showing you a direction how this might have worked . But fake is fake and not a real panning blur

TFS Andreas