View Full Version : Long Tailed Tit IV

Andreas Liedmann
08-31-2023, 02:03 PM
Hi folks ... a short break from the Little Owls
A clean and simple image of this Tit species , taken at my working place during morning coffee break :bg3: . Audio was used to get the Tit closer .... perch is natural ( Acacia ) .
Removed two OOF twigs to get the super clean shot .

Canon EOS R3
RF 100 - 500 IS L + 1,4 TC

F 10 ; Iso 6400 ; 1/ 2500

Processed with ACR and PSCC 2023

Any comments would be appreciated and thanks for looking :bg3:

Cheers Andreas

kevin Hice
08-31-2023, 06:30 PM
This is nice Andreas with the sweet background colors, really like the blue showing through. The perch is nice showing the new buds coming on. Bird is well processed with the details. Sometimes simple is great. TFS

Jonathan Ashton
09-01-2023, 07:50 AM
Nice clean shot portrait orientation looks good. The feather details are absolutely super. I should be getting these little birds more regularly from now on, I had a few brief visits yesterday.

Daniel Cadieux
09-02-2023, 03:58 PM
If anything I would have placed the bird lower in the frame with its head tilted up like that, but all else works well for me. Looks like it has worked hard recently with the frilled tail feathers!

Andreas Liedmann
09-03-2023, 12:04 PM
Thanks folks glad you like it .

@ Dan ... I hear you about the crop , might be better with more above . Shot was taken in spring when they were nesting , might be the reason for the tail feathers .

Cheers Andreas

William Dickson
09-04-2023, 12:12 PM
Very nice Andreas. Love these little birds and you show it well. The BG colours work. Good control on the blacks and whites. The perch is what it is.


Kurt Bowman
09-06-2023, 08:14 AM
Great clean frame you have here Andreas! Love the BG, detail on the bird is great and love the thorny branch! I agree with Daniel about placing lower in the frame might be better, but still a great frame!