View Full Version : Tawny Chick ISO25K

Steve Kaluski
08-19-2023, 08:37 AM
I make no bones that this is baited, but the subjects are totally wild and are doing very well. In addition, I hope that folk (Kevin who I know is pushing things) will try to understand that ISO is just a number and if you need to get high SS, or the correct f/stop and or both with the more up to date camera bodies, then providing you work on the basis of ETTR and with the advances in NR, high ISO's are not a problem and that you can achieve in getting 'that shot'. :cheers: I had to go to f/7.1 as that was the default of the lens.

The shot was on the same day as the Kingfisher image, where rain just came down in biblical proportion and these Owls were wet. This was taken just after 8.00pm and it was dark, but just watching the whites you can achieve things.

Thanks to those who posted or viewed the previous posting.

Any posterisation is down to Downsizing you can always check in PS.


Subject: Tawny chic (Strix aluco)
Location: UK
Camera: Canon EOS R3
Lens:RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USM Bean bag
Exposure: 1/250s at f/7.1 ISO25,600K EV0.33
Original format: Portrait, minimal crop
Processed via: LRCC 12.5 & PS'23 24.7.0

Attracted with chicken livers and pigeon road kill

Gabriela Plesea
08-19-2023, 03:40 PM
Dear Steve,

Had you posted this Tawny Owl image a few years back I would have not believed it was taken at ISO 25.600... IQ really good and frame is noise free, hardly any posterisation visible on my monitor.

Subject stands out beautifully against the dark background and pose is great, love the raised foot and attentive stare. Well exposed with good detail. Nice framing, good techs and DoF is spot on. Is that a feather below the foot?:S3:

A neat image with lots to look at, thank you for sharing.

Looking forward to more from you.

Warmest regards,

Steve Kaluski
08-19-2023, 03:58 PM
Again… thank you Gabriela.

Obviously if I was shooting this during the day, the IQ would be better even at ISO25k, but all I’m trying to do is hopefully get folk to not be afraid if the light isn’t on their side to go for a faster SS, or add more DoF and push the ISO and get that shot. I’m not suggesting folk go mad, it’s all in moderation and here I wasn’t shooting HH, but have faith and if you need to try higher ISO6400, 8000, 12,800….

The only ‘caveats’ is… Dynamic range reduces, but hey :w3

kevin Hice
08-21-2023, 08:12 AM
Great shot Steve and at the highest ISO most would not believe this possible outside of this forum. Details look good maybe like you said would even be better with a daylight shot. I have been pushing higher ISO just haven't really tried processing any. Lazy thing going on.
I have some great files at lower ISO so I never get around to processing the higher ones. I do shoot high early on when in the slough. I figure I have nothing to lose. Thanks for all the tips and advice Steve really much appreciated. TFS

Steve Kaluski
08-21-2023, 08:30 AM
I have been pushing higher ISO just haven't really tried processing any. Lazy thing going on.

Hi Kevin, thanks for replying.

If you don't need to push the ISO, then don't, providing you can execute the capture in good light, exposing ETTR, have a fast enough SS and good aperture, then a lower ISO can only produce a great capture. Also your file will be super clean and you will have good Dynamic range.

What I'm suggesting is that if the light isn't in your favour, don't be frightened by upping the ISO to beyond your comfort zone, the camera won't explode or indeed melt, but it might just deliver that capture that we all go WOW at! Even at ISO 40K at the weekend, the R3 delivered a usable file, OK it had limitations, but it delivered a purpose.

Just remember to change the ISO range in the main menu, take it off AUTO ISO, in Custom functions flip the back dial from EV to ISO. Set the Multi function lock so you can lock in both SS & f/stop, in that way you never by mistake change it, easily done and then dealing in the ISO checking the Histogram you should be all set. Using Enhance in ACR for Lr (NR) will do the job effortless, you just have to make sure its the first thing you do, albeit I will flip from one program to another (NR) to get the best from the file.

So next time if the light isn't there, but you are facing that Mountain lion you always wanted to get a shot of, don't hold back on the ISO, but no need to go too crazy.

Best of luck and have fun. :cheers:

Andreas Liedmann
08-21-2023, 02:54 PM
Hi Steve ... looks good all around to me .
Nice pose and the technical aspect on the output front is great .
A touch more room would not hurt , IMHO .

TFS Andreas

Steve Kaluski
08-21-2023, 03:17 PM
Thank you Andreas, but I’m just trying engage with folk to not be worried about high ISO, especially with the new ‘Enhance’ within ACR/Lr and just to get that shot, irrespective of the ISO number, it’s just a number as you know. You have followed me and pushed too, and got the shot.

So… Nail the shot, (yes it does/may look incredible grainy/noisy, or not, it depends), get the right % of Enhance, apply, job done, process the file.

William Dickson
08-22-2023, 01:14 PM
Lovely image. I wouldn't have known the ISO was at 25K. It looks clean. Lovely pose. Nice feather detail and I like the perch. A wee bit motion blur on the raised talon, but I understand the SS you chose at the higher ISO. The dark BG shows the bird well. I'm 'getting there' with the higher ISOs but 25K...Never been that far..... Yet.


Steve Kaluski
08-22-2023, 01:17 PM
Will - ‘He who Dares, wins’ :w3

Daniel Cadieux
08-23-2023, 07:03 AM
It really is remarkable how far things have come. I accidentally photographed a Wild Turkey at ISO 51200 a couple of years ago. At first I was bummed about it, but when I saw the files on the computer I was encouraged - decided to process a couple of them, and it was a real eye-opener as far as what can be accomplished now in lower light.

Anyhow, the owl looks good. Nice and sharp on the face and parts of the perch. Although I wish the raised foot was sharper, it does add interest. Is that a feather underneath it? Nice mossy mound.

Steve Kaluski
08-23-2023, 07:42 AM
Hi Dan, you are absolutely right, thinking back at the launch of the 1DX only a few years ago, and being able to retrieve detail a whole stop under and they said it was a game changer!!!

With the smaller MPX cameras ie R6/3 pushing ISO now isn’t a problem, meaning we can now achieve that capture, albeit perhaps a little grainy/noisy but overall usable. As I said, I’m just trying to get folk to not be hesitant in pushing ISO, a lot are still thinking/worried about noise, but haven’t really experienced high noise. But now, especially with ‘Enhance' where you can vary the amount to suit the needs, it just brings so much to the photographer, however it’s knowing when to apply it and the amount, to avoid that ‘plastic’ look and really never tonnes a very low ISO, it’s absolutely pointless.

Jonathan Ashton
08-24-2023, 03:10 PM
Good shot Steve, nicely detailed. Your comments make me reflect on a Bison image I posted in 2016 - taken with IDX and ISO 50000, I still think it was OK. As you point out keep the Signal:noise ratio high and it can be quite surprising what is possible.

Steve Kaluski
08-24-2023, 05:11 PM
Jon :cheers:

Arthur Morris
08-26-2023, 03:37 PM
Super cute and looks great for any ISO. I rarely wish for more d-o-f but I do wish that the breast feathers were within the plane of focus. The face and eyes, however, are super-sharp.

with love, a

Arthur Morris
08-26-2023, 05:05 PM
Hey Steve,

I do not understand this:
I make no bones that this is baited, but the subjects are totally wild and are doing very well.

Baited is baited. Thanks for making that clear.

with love, a

Steve Kaluski
08-27-2023, 02:40 AM
I rarely wish for more d-o-f but I do wish that the breast feathers were within the plane of focus. The face and eyes, however, are super-sharp.

Artie, have you tried tapping the buttons CMD -/+ this will scale in what you see, as 1600px is only 4 inches in real money.

Arthur Morris
08-27-2023, 12:13 PM
Steve, Are you suggesting that I view it smaller?

with love, a

Steve Kaluski
08-27-2023, 12:15 PM
Perhaps Artie, as I said 1600px is only 4 inch actual size, so scaling down may offer better clarity????

I just did it and I think it helps.