View Full Version : Jay

William Dickson
06-16-2023, 04:55 PM
Canon R6
f/4 400mm DO Mk2
ISO 3200

This is one from the set up a couple of weeks ago. The Jay had been perched on the rock and I managed a few shots as it took off, and flew in towards me. I liked the position of the wings on this frame, and the fact it looked 'natural', rather than being set up... Gimbal Head. ACR and PS.


Steve Kaluski
06-17-2023, 08:39 AM
Now doesn't that look better Will, nice one, colours look good too!


Brian Sump
06-17-2023, 03:56 PM
Will, this is a dandy. Not an easy subject to capture clean like you did. And a great wings down pose to boot!

The ferns and rock present some nice framing and balance to the image. Love that the beak clears the fern edge.

The WB seemed a touch off to me, so you may want to pull into LR and test out +2 and -9 and just see what you think.

Also, I believe you could give the subject a touch more sharpening perhaps with a light touch of denoise if you like.

Very nicely done my friend, tfs!

Steve Kaluski
06-17-2023, 04:01 PM
Hi Brian, can you, when you have s minute read Arash’s reply to Dorian on his Swallow posting. It has a lot of substance and merit which may help ALL folk when viewing an image IMHO. :S3:

Arthur Morris
06-18-2023, 09:14 AM
Superb as is :-). Consider a small (proportionate) crop from the upper left corner.

with love, artie

Gabriela Plesea
06-18-2023, 02:54 PM
Well seen and captured, Will :S3:

I like this too, very much. Agree with Artie, a tiny crop would bring the subject forward, albeit it's still awesome as is, lovely colours and detail especially on those wings, and those blue speckles are just superb!

Keep having fun and delighting us with those images, I certainly enjoyed viewing and so looking forward to more:w3

Kind regards,

Brian Sump
06-18-2023, 04:56 PM
Hi Brian, can you, when you have s minute read Arash’s reply to Dorian on his Swallow posting. It has a lot of substance and merit which may help ALL folk when viewing an image IMHO. :S3:

Steve, no idea how this would apply to me or anyone else unless they are switching computers and/or monitors?

If a person is viewing images the same way all the time, with no change in their basis of comparison then their reference for sharpness has not changed.

This image simply looked like it could be sharpened up a bit, regardless of why, when compared to my eyes viewing every other image on the exact same hardware.

Brian Sump
06-18-2023, 05:06 PM
And although I DESPISE reposting, just for the sake of conversation and my point on sharpening and denoise, here is an example.

Reduces some noise, slight tint/warmth adjustment and some selective sharpening. Looks better to my eyes, at least but still a very fine image from Will!