View Full Version : Splendid Fairy Wren

Ian McLachlan
12-04-2022, 01:10 AM

I haven't seen any of the around in the drier areas of my state for a few years now so it was a delight to find a couple.Quite spectacular birds about 3.5 inches long. I used the 1.4 on the lens which Arash advises against for flight so we shall see but as only one of 4 frames stayed in focus he may be right.

200/600 @708 mm
hh from vehicle

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
12-04-2022, 10:17 PM
A very nice flight shot, with the bird taking off. Love the colours and the head angle. Good techs too.

12-05-2022, 08:27 PM
Excellent, maybe a bit more face sharpening?

William Dickson
12-06-2022, 01:06 PM
Nice one Ian....I really like the flight pose and the HA....Lovely colours throughout ......the face and the blues on the back do look a little 'soft'.


Ian McLachlan
12-07-2022, 01:31 AM
Yes well in breeding season these males exude a deal of wax onto their feathers especially round the head area so I am going to have to learn how to deal with that. In sunlight. even fading light it seems to be a problem .You can see the grease even on the bright blues. Also will leave off the 1.4 for flight photos.Thanks for your input.