View Full Version : Another Plover

Paul Burdett
11-20-2022, 03:24 AM
Here's another Pacific Golden Plover from a number of shots taken recently. I know the F/G is not ideal for some, but birds go where they want to go:bg3: and I'm fine with it. Basic adjustments in ACR and PS.

D500/500PF, 1/2000th sec@f8, iso1000. Cheers.

Daniel Cadieux
11-20-2022, 03:20 PM
Good mid-yawn pose, sharp details, and excellent "look-back" head angle. Not an ideal FG as you point out. I'd be tempted to darken the wing feathers as the high sun gave those a bit of a washed out look to them. Maybe a bit more room all around if you have it. Our shorebird season is over for this year, glad I am seeing some of yours!

Paul Burdett
11-20-2022, 03:25 PM
Hi Daniel. Thanks for the feedback. I do have more room around but thought there was too much empty space. How much more would you suggest?

Arthur Morris
12-04-2022, 10:47 AM
Love those back feathers!


Paul Burdett
12-04-2022, 05:13 PM
Thanks Artie🙋*♂️