View Full Version : red shouldered

10-15-2022, 03:43 PM
Young red shouldered hawk. A sunny afternoon soon turned into fog and then a drizzle as soon as I arrived at this location. Had to deal with low light and fog which doesn't do justice to the colors of this handsome raptor but I managed a few frames...had to push the exposure by one stop in post as I had underexposed the raws by accidentally setting the EVF brightness too high, luckily the files handled it nicely

All shot with the A1 and 600 GM +1.4X TC handheld, processed with C1P. ISO 2500 f/5.6 1/2000 sec (got lucky with slow ss)

Brian Sump
10-16-2022, 03:44 PM
A pretty frame Arash. Classy, wings up pose with excellent flight angle and eye contact.

Excellent feather detail too, it all works. Nicely done!

kevin Hice
10-16-2022, 08:03 PM
Great wing position Arash is the first thing I noticed. Great Ha and I like the variable background palette. Love the feet position showing the talons. TFS

Paul Burdett
10-17-2022, 03:08 AM
Love this one Arash. Ditto the positives here. Details on the bird are so good, and the graduated BG rocks.

Colin Driscoll
10-17-2022, 05:46 AM
Typical Arash excellence! Great point about watching EVF brightness versus actual exposure.

Dorian Anderson
10-17-2022, 04:47 PM
Yeah, I've had that happen with the EVF, often after I've been shooting on boats where the light is bouncing all around and I need ore brightness to see what's going on in the camera.

Regardless, you salvaged the image perfectly. Pose is great and the details are outstanding. I could see specifically raising the facial shadows a touch just to help direct our attention there, but that's more personal preference than anything else.

William Dickson
10-18-2022, 01:29 PM
This looks real good.......What a great flight pose....The detail on the bird is perfect...I like the trailing legs showing signs of blood...
