View Full Version : Jackdaw

Andreas Liedmann
08-08-2022, 07:07 AM
hi folks ... another Jackdaw .
Jackdaw resting on large rock on lake edge , awaiting that folks might feed the Ducks and that he could grab some stuff to feed on it .

Canon eos R3
ef 500 is l ii + 1,4 tc

f 6,3 ; iso 4000 ; 1/3200 sec ( prepared for potential BIF options )

processed with dpp 4 and pscc 2022 , slight crop

thanks for watching and commenting to previous posting

cheers Andreas

Jonathan Ashton
08-08-2022, 11:18 AM
The bird is well detailed and the tones look realistic. Luckily the perch seems to have iron running through it otherwise it would have looked rather bland. Andreas I can't really say much , it is well shown but the bird stance and the overall composition are not terribly interesting to my eyes, this shot doesn't really rock my boat I am sorry to say.

Andreas Liedmann
08-08-2022, 01:06 PM
thanx Jon for your comment much appreciated . no problem that you are not feel being rocked ....:t3:bg3:

cheers Andreas

Steve Kaluski
08-09-2022, 05:30 AM
Nice image.


Andreas Liedmann
08-12-2022, 02:26 AM
thanx Steve