View Full Version : Bullfinch

Andreas Liedmann
07-24-2022, 10:42 PM
hi folks ... got this lovely species in my backyard back in march 2021 . my rudimental set up worked quite ok at that time . not ideal as I have never worked at a set up before ..... so a to of trial and error was involved . at least it kept me busy in the covid times .

canon 1dx ii
ef 500 is l ii + 1,4 tc

f7,1 , iso 3200 , 1/1600 sec

processed with capture one and pscc 2022, slight crop

thanks for watching and commenting to my previous postings .

cheers Andreas

Jonathan Ashton
07-25-2022, 07:06 AM
Super quality but I have strong reservations over the red colour, I appreciate there may be variations on mainland Europe, but I would be very surprised if a Bullfinch looked like this in UK. The perch looks fine, the background shows the subject to good effect. The messy bill is quite characteristic, they eat berries whenever they can.

Andreas Liedmann
07-25-2022, 12:49 PM
Thanks Jon for your comment much appreciated .
Will leave your thoughts regarding the breast with you , it is just a matter of taste when it comes to colors .
I can actually see a version with the reds being a tad darker .

Joseph Przybyla
07-26-2022, 02:58 PM
Hi Andreas, I am not familiar with the bird so cannot comment on colors. I like the image, nicely exposed and presented. The perch looks like what we called Puss* Willow when I lived up north. Thank you for sharing.

Andreas Liedmann
07-27-2022, 01:22 PM
thanks Joe