View Full Version : Tawny Owl

William Dickson
06-24-2022, 05:42 PM
Canon R6
f/4 400mm DO Mk 2 at 560mm
ISO 2500

That's me now changed to mirrorless and the new camera arrived last week.....It was a choice between the R5 and the R6....After a lot of thought, and prompted by Steve, I decided to go for the R6....I am glad I did....The focus system compared to my 1DX Mk2 is amazing.....I love my 1DX Mk2, and the original 1DX, so I now have three cameras, and all three serve a purpose.....To test the R6, I decided to go to a set up made to attract a Sparrowhawk near to the Scottish borders....The Sparrowhawk did show , which I photographed, along with other birds, but when this Tawny Owl arrived I was very surprised, and fair chuffed, as these birds are nocturnal and rarely seen in daylight, I reckon it must have been feeding young...It returned 3 times within an hour......I must say, that I used the mechanical shutter, as I found this felt better for me on this occasion...Gimbal Head, attached to a plate in the hide, processed with ACR, Topaz DN and PS.....


Jonathan Ashton
06-25-2022, 02:06 AM
Nicely detailed, the colours in the owl look good but I get the impression the stump and background look a little flat somehow.

Jack Backs
06-25-2022, 07:45 AM
Nice image. No nits for me.

Joseph Przybyla
06-27-2022, 07:27 AM
Hi Wil, wonderful image of this owl. I would not change a thing, actually I wish it were mine. Thank you for sharing,

Mike Poole
06-27-2022, 12:32 PM
A rarely seen sight to get a Tawny out in daylight in such an open area, nicely done Will, enjoy the new toy!


William Dickson
06-27-2022, 04:20 PM
Thanks for commenting.....much appreciated


Randy Stout
06-29-2022, 06:14 AM

Very nice indeed. The light obviously was very soft, which allows lots of fine feather detail to show. With the large perch, it being rendered with modest contrast is a plus.

Congrats on capturing your unusual visitor so well.


William Dickson
06-30-2022, 01:05 PM
Thanks for that Randy....much appreciated


Steve Kaluski
08-08-2022, 06:30 AM
Hi Will, glad you got to see the Tawny, aren't they magnificent birds. hadn't realised you now have three bodies, you'll be like Rick Wakeman on keyboards with that lot.

Overall agree with Jon, I know the location and the image does look/appear flat and the greens look a bit dirty. Good detail overall and the perch works with a hint of lichen. The WB is OK but just some simple tweaks with Saturation & the Colour Grading you have in PS jut brings life back into the image. How far you take it is personal tastes, but the initial capture has it all. I would also give it a bit more room to breath too.

All the best with the R6 and questions happy to help if I can.


PS Next time I'm there or with Pete doing some Video/Drone work I will give you a shout.

William Dickson
08-10-2022, 11:07 AM
Cheers Steve... I like it better...

PS Next time I'm there or with Pete doing some Video/Drone work I will give you a shout.......

Sounds Good...
