View Full Version : Bye bye .... 2021

Andreas Liedmann
12-30-2021, 02:49 PM
Hi folks just a quick last posting before this year .... is history :bg3:
Image taken at local town lake .
It does show a juvenile Black headed Gull ... I am quite happy so far , maybe the head could be turned a bit more towards the viewer :w3. Should have used the warp tool in PS .... LOL .

Canon EOS R3
EF 200 - 400 IS L at 560 mm

F 6,3 ; Iso 2000 ; 1/3200 sec

Processed with DPP 4 and PSCC 2022 ; slightly cropped and canvas added to the top of the frame for a better composition

Thanks for looking and commenting to my previous thread

Cheers Andreas

Colin Driscoll
12-30-2021, 06:13 PM
Nice pose and light, good self critique.

Brian Sump
12-31-2021, 12:27 AM
Andreas, there were many highs in 2021 yet many challenges. I know you can say the same, but here's to many blessings in '22 my friend!

Oh, and for the gull, simple but nicely processed. Beautifully exposed and smooth yet detailed on the subject. Love the texture in the legs.

Super wing and body position, only find myself wishing for a bit of head turn toward us. Just a minor nit.


Jonathan Ashton
12-31-2021, 03:27 AM
Andreas, it looks subliminal, processing I feel could not have been better, the pose is what it is, ( I hate that expression but it is apt!) if you had gotten a better one I am sure you would have posted it

Stu Bowie
12-31-2021, 08:52 AM
Hi Andreas, excellent exposure all round, and in turn, has shown up the feather detail on the near underwing. Good overall sharpness, and nicely separated from the water BG.

How are you finding the R3 compared to the R5 if you had one, or have used one.

Andreas Liedmann
12-31-2021, 10:37 AM
Thanks folks for your kind comments , much appreciated .

yeah the head turn ... I know :bg3:

@ Stu ..... have not used the R5 , so I cannot compare the two . To be honest I have mixed feelings regarding the R3 ... for sure it has a lot pros , but the AF is overrated IMHO . But might be just me ..

Cheers Andreas

John Mack
01-01-2022, 03:46 PM
Nice view of this gull. I do like that water background. Nice pattern in the water. Detail is right on par.

Arthur Morris
01-04-2022, 10:00 AM
Love everything about this one but with the bird's head turned away I'd hit the delete sky on this one. A shame as everything else is spot-on.

Cheers and have a great 2022.
