View Full Version : Bosque Del Apache

Kurt Bowman
12-08-2021, 02:15 PM
Decided to try out BDA WR despite the reports on low water. Was very happy I went. The field at the end of north loop was flooded and there were many birds. We had some amazing light. Here is a crane from early morning light.

1.4 TC
at 840mm
1/1000 at f/9, ISO 3200

Randy Stout
12-08-2021, 09:07 PM

Sounds like you had a great time. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and go!

Nice pose, soft background. The focus on the face/neck seems a bit soft, I wonder if the 1/1000s shutter speed might have been a factor.

I really like the concept of the early morning light, but perhaps too orange? I obviously wasn't there, but have seen a lot of Sandhills in a lot of early light. Perhaps just a bit less orange would show him off better, with more separation from the background.

Just personal taste on my part. Minor curves adjustment performed on the repost.


Andreas Liedmann
12-09-2021, 02:52 PM
Hi Kurt ... almost unreal looking warm morning colors , at least for me from Central Europe :bg3::bg3::bg3:
I am ok with your OP in terms of tone and color .... agree with Randy about some more sharpness would not hurt the image .
Flying pose and overall composition are captured .

TFS Andreas

Daniel Cadieux
12-09-2021, 06:53 PM
Talk about golden light!! Good wing position, nice BG. Glad your visit paid off. I can live with either versions.

Dorian Anderson
12-09-2021, 07:27 PM
Yeah, that light is killer! Pose is great, and we can see detail on the left underwing even with the bot shadow cast across it. Agree with Randy about the head sharpness. Did focal point hit there or elsewhere? Bit more head turn would have helped as well. Colors in either version work for me.

12-10-2021, 02:58 AM
love the light and the flare, the whole bird looks soft to me, did you forget to sharpen or something wrong with the raw?


Jonathan Ashton
12-11-2021, 02:59 PM
Kurt a super image loving the colours, I know this is repetitive for me but looking in PSCC the image looks great (i.e. sharpening looks good) on the browser less so.

Kurt Bowman
12-12-2021, 12:01 AM
Kurt a super image loving the colours, I know this is repetitive for me but looking in PSCC the image looks great (i.e. sharpening looks good) on the browser less so.
Thanks John, I don’t understand why?

Brian Sump
12-12-2021, 11:44 PM
Kurt, man this looks so much better large!

Such a sweet bif frame. That light is to die for. Always hear about it at Bosque and hopefully one day will see for myself.

Just about perfect wing position. If the original post reflects the light as you remember then it's great from here. Another version as Randy posted could also work.

The o.g. does not look bad to me in terms of sharpening. Maybe you could go a bit more, but still, not bad.

I'd take this in a heartbeat my friend! Thanks for sharing!