View Full Version : I think I'm getting closer.

Jack Backs
11-27-2021, 06:10 PM
Another gray ghost image that's closer to the horizon and with the head clear of the distal wing. The images I've posted have been taken from the window of my vehicle at Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge.
I've seen as many as 7-8 females/immature birds on a distant brush pile at one time. They change their hunting patterns on a regular basis however. Right now most of them are hunting in a spot that faces directly
into the sun in the morning from the road. I had to wait for an hour and a half after sunrise for this single flyby at a decent spot. Nothing like waiting an hour and a half for about 3 seconds of pee in your pants excitement.
I have a few images of the bird below the horizon but, they're all marred by poor wing position, shadows, or the head OOF. I presume this is the same male. Interesting to note the feet are hidden this time. Cropped from
the top as I was having typical problems keeping the bird centered at this range. Processed with DxO and a little sharpening with DeNoiseAI.
Nikon D500, 500mmF4VRII, TC-14EIII
1/3200s, f7.1, iso800 Full Manual

Ian McLachlan
11-28-2021, 05:43 AM
Everything about this looks good to me .Having never seen one, he is very beautiful .Worth waiting for .

Arthur Morris
11-30-2021, 08:48 AM
Pretty darned sweet. I've got zip on this species. Sharp with beautiful underwing details. In a perfect world the near wing would have been fully extended.

with love, artie

Jack Backs
11-30-2021, 08:31 PM
The near wing on this image is closer to full extension but the bird is farther from the horizon and the back wing is lower behind the head. It was about a tossup for me.

Daniel Cadieux
12-01-2021, 04:16 PM
Very nice. I am seeing the image as a touch too bright overall though. You've been having fun with these guys!