View Full Version : 3 wrens

Paul Burdett
11-05-2021, 06:12 PM
OK...I know...cluttered background...an instadelete for some:bg3:...BUT...I just had to try for something when I saw these three Superb fairy-wrens in the tree (male and two females). Despite the three resting there for quite a while, there was no clear view of them without the background clutter. They're so cute I just had to do the best I could. I did selectively blur the BG, but apart from that just basic adjustments in acr and ps.

D500/500PF, 1/1250th sec@f5.6, iso800, manual mode hh.

Joseph Przybyla
11-06-2021, 09:12 AM
Hi Paul, love the three, really neat finding them huddling together. Here is a idea for eliminating the background clutter. I had to edit a few things in Photoshop and lost the whiskers on the right had bird. I think the JPEG held up reasonably well to the severe crop. In a similar instance you might try slipping on a 1.4 teleconverter and slowly see how close you could get. Make some images and move closer slowly, make some images and move closer slowly. Really cute and neat, thank you for sharing.

Jonathan Ashton
11-06-2021, 12:20 PM
Paul I like the image, I would have been inclined to embrace the surroundings and even considered a little smaller in the frame, after all the view of the wrens is perfectly clear. I would be inclined to soften the features of the principal branch, I feel it draws attention somewhat.
Looking at the image I wonder if it is a little over sharpened or the highlights are a little high or a combination of these factors???

Paul Burdett
11-06-2021, 03:56 PM
Joseph/Jonathan: Thanks for the feedback/ideas..two sort of opposing ideas, but very much appreciated.
Joseph: I like the close up idea here...works well...thank you for re posting.
Jonathan: Always a decision as to how much background to include I guess. Clutter vs environmental shot. I'm not sure "embracing" the BG more here adds to the image, but I get your point. Cheers.

Brian Sump
11-07-2021, 04:52 PM
Paul, I agree that the intimacy of the three is worth keeping and enjoying.

In terms of processing, however, I would be in the mentioned camp and probably would not have posted.

That said, we can offer feedback on what it is. All three head angles are great. To my eye your processing was solid on the subjects.

Also good job with the main perch parallel to the lens. Had you not had 3-4 of the prominent grasses and limbs in play, it might have worked a little better.

Paul Burdett
11-07-2021, 05:23 PM
Thanks Brian...appreciate the feedback:S3: