View Full Version : Azure Kingfisher

Paul Burdett
10-13-2021, 09:37 PM
Some days you have good and bad on the same day:bg3: I went out to Osprey House Environmental Centre to hopefully get one of the resident Ospreys flying in with a fish...or my "bucket list" shot...talons out flying towards me, but it was not to be. As soon as I pulled up at the car park the Osprey flew up to the nest on the pole with a fish. A few minutes earlier and I probably would have caught it flying in. So, after spending more time there with no success, I headed 15 minutes away to another location, hoping the Azure Kingfisher that I've seen there once before would make itself known. In between rain sessions I was able to photograph a juvenile Australasian Grebe (my first time) before heading to the Azure location. As I approached the small bridge I moved very slowly hoping it would be resting on a specific branch where I had seen it ages ago. Just as I started to move closer to the bridge I heard its "pip", and it landed on the branch below me. Looking down was my only vantage point at the time, so here's one of the photos I was able to get. After a series of shots it flew away and I was not able to get more, despite moving to a better vantage point. I came home smiling (despite the splint on my finger after rupturing the tendon 10 days ago...at least I can hold the camera, but my guitar playing is on hold...yes, I'm a classical guitarist) Cheers.

D500/500PF, 1/1250th sec@f5.6, iso 1600, manual mode HH. Basic adjustments in ACR and PS, and some NR.

Paul Burdett
10-13-2021, 09:44 PM
Hope it's ok, but I wanted to post this one as well, as I really like the water pattern on the left side, and wanted to see which one you prefer. Cheers.

Ian McLachlan
10-14-2021, 04:54 AM
Paul ,Ive been waiting for you to post an Azure but to get it out in the open is quite something.I Iike the second one better but I would take off the two pieces of rock protrusion on the left if your ethics lets you; and why not. Agree about the water and I would take a bit off the top..That bird has been there before and its' spring so is it nesting nearby in which case it will be back. Can you get West or East of that perch for early morning or late evening. And then in flight . But for that 4/5000th minimum clear light and it will poke its head forward an instant before it flies .You could waste five hundred shots but you could get one in flight .Very rare.This bird is 41/2 inches long and seriously quick..Good luck.

Paul Burdett
10-14-2021, 06:03 AM
Hi Ian. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. The protrusions don't worry me, but I must admit that since you point them out I can see your point. After taking thes shits I did move to a lower vantage point west of the rock and waited. It did turn up briefly, flying quickly from the water to a branch, but I did not have a clear view of it. I'll definitely be back again...as soon as the rain/storms we're having move away. Cheers.

Kurt Bowman
10-14-2021, 10:11 AM
Sweet frame Paul! I love the colors of this Kingfisher (have never seen one before). I like the OP because of the perch in entirely in focus, but I agree the water patterns in the second post are cool.

Paul Burdett
10-14-2021, 04:27 PM
HI Kurt...really appreciate the feedback. I've been after another shot of these for quite a while, and yes, their colours are amazing. Cheers.

Jonathan Ashton
10-15-2021, 11:49 AM
I like the second image, the exposure appears to be a little higher, I would perhaps reduce it a little on the bird and resume the appearance of the log on the first.

Paul Burdett
10-15-2021, 05:57 PM
Thanks Jonathan. So you would reduce the exposure on the bird (2nd image) and increase exposure on the log on the 1st image? I'm actually quite happy with both as is, but will try it anyway. Cheers.

Jay Ing
10-15-2021, 08:53 PM
I Like the second one (With water) best. Are they really this vibrant. If so - wow. Amazing bird.... very nice frame. TFS.

Paul Burdett
10-16-2021, 06:44 AM
Hi Jay...yes, they're that vibrant. Cheers.