View Full Version : Acorn - Lands with Enthusiasm

Jay Ing
10-08-2021, 12:01 AM
This guy came in with quite the attitude - (in fact somewhat unhappy that another nearby acorn had taken his favorite spot it seemed). Anyhow, I'm unhappy that this was processed as part of the 40% pixel group (see prior post if you care)- so I may need to rework it as I rather like the action. Thanks for any feedback. Cheers all.





Colin Driscoll
10-08-2021, 06:40 PM
Funny how birds don't always seem to look where they are going. Great that you got the focal plane on the head, eye AF I guess. Clean BG, like the bit of rock, good shot.

Jonathan Ashton
10-09-2021, 09:22 AM
Very nicely caught, I like the bird and the rock, really good capture, sorry not blown away with the background.

Kurt Bowman
10-09-2021, 12:29 PM
Really nice timing! Love the wings, the eye contact is great and like you got the landing zone as well (rock). Nice work Jay!