View Full Version : Stud or Dud?

Brian Sump
09-22-2021, 11:54 AM

Something a little outside the box. I anticipate all won't like it but something about it impressed up on me.

Male Black-Chinned hummingbird taken in Sierra Vista, AZ with Kurt Bowman.

Feel free to share feedback, positive or negative.

ISO 1600

LR and PS. **NOTE** the vignette effect is natural to the frame and is one thing I liked about it.

Andreas Liedmann
09-22-2021, 12:46 PM
Hi Amigo ... what has created the vignette ??
Will get back later with my feedback :w3 , right now I am in a switcher position :t3

Cheers Andreas

Arthur Morris
09-22-2021, 02:50 PM
Love the gorget and the pollen (?) on the bill as well. Any clues as to what caused the vignetting?

with love, artie

Kurt Bowman
09-23-2021, 06:02 AM
Really nice look at the gorget on this Black-chinned Brian! They are not easy to get or expose properly. I too love the natural vignette you have here, I think it really helps focus the attention on the gorget as the only pop of color. Nicely done!

Jay Ing
09-23-2021, 10:42 AM
IMO it's a rather darkish image that lacks your usual pop. Esp so (for me) on the face/eye area. That said everything else looks good.

William Dickson
09-23-2021, 12:52 PM
Looks good here Brian...I love this sort of image....something different....My eyes were immediately drawn to the purple colours on the neck...I like the brown colours throughout....The only thing I can think of to make this better .....if the eye was lit up...The catchlight does help....maybe brighten the catchlight a little...

Well done


09-23-2021, 11:30 PM
Hi Brian if you want my honest opinion it's a dud but I am a conservative guy when it comes to photos, radically different stuff is not my cup of tea so take it with a grain of salt


09-23-2021, 11:43 PM
If you look at this on an iPad where you can zoom, it is noisy, not much in focus.. sorry.
If the vignette is natural and you used no flash I would wonder if something is wrong with my camera?
Why such poor quality at iso 1600? Seriously.

Brian Sump
09-23-2021, 11:43 PM
Thanks for the honest comments folks!

Artie & Andreas, there was a break in the canopy (trees) behind the subject. Wish I could tell you I framed it this way, but that's not the case. Just is what it is.

Good point on the eye Will.

Arash, appreciate the sentiment. I agree, we all kind of end up in a box sometimes and being uncomfortable is..... well, uncomfortable :-)

Brian Sump
09-23-2021, 11:55 PM
Dan, sorry man, really not sure what you're seeing in terms of noise? I never view photos here on an ipad and what's the point of zooming? Why not view at full res on a 27" or 32" screen and see it as intended?

Andreas Liedmann
09-24-2021, 01:28 AM
Hi Brian .... ok here we go
Thanks for the info on the vignette .
I think it is a very cool thing to go and think out of the box .... and be not narrow minded :w3. Albeit this was created by Mother Nature ..... at least you have to shoot this kinda stuff .
So good to see you left the trusty path :bg3:

I love it for the most part .... the purple feathers are kind of " distracting " as they are so eye catching , they are taking away my eye from the gorgeous pose of the subject . That said I feel the darker face and that eye are falling short due to the natural appearance of the bird .
Not much you can do .... as I think the fall of light was not on your side to get more light on the dark face and bill . So I have not a real good idea how to improve , apart from opening up the facial shadow areas without going too fake !!!

The IQ looks great , just a bit of " color bleeding " created by the vignette . Where is the noise ? :w3

Great work Amigo .... I am envious to be honest .

Will wait for the R3 and will kick you out of the house ....LOL ... with images of hovering song birds from my garden :t3. May be .....

TFS Andreas

John Mack
09-24-2021, 05:50 PM
Looks like art to me. Beautiful.

Brian Sump
09-24-2021, 10:44 PM
Hi Brian .... ok here we go
Thanks for the info on the vignette .
I think it is a very cool thing to go and think out of the box .... and be not narrow minded :w3. Albeit this was created by Mother Nature ..... at least you have to shoot this kinda stuff .
So good to see you left the trusty path :bg3:

I love it for the most part .... the purple feathers are kind of " distracting " as they are so eye catching , they are taking away my eye from the gorgeous pose of the subject . That said I feel the darker face and that eye are falling short due to the natural appearance of the bird .
Not much you can do .... as I think the fall of light was not on your side to get more light on the dark face and bill . So I have not a real good idea how to improve , apart from opening up the facial shadow areas without going too fake !!!

The IQ looks great , just a bit of " color bleeding " created by the vignette . Where is the noise ? :w3

Great work Amigo .... I am envious to be honest .

Will wait for the R3 and will kick you out of the house ....LOL ... with images of hovering song birds from my garden :t3. May be .....

TFS Andreas

Haha, man I tell you what. I love when someone can tell me they're envious and also talk trash (banter) with me at the same time ;-) I would love to see the R3 in your hands; I canceled my order due to the 24mp as I already have an R6. Will wait for the R1 to upgrade.

Thanks for the feedback, very good to read. Sometimes I just get tired of the same old and at times afraid to get out of the mould.

FWIW, because of the kind of sepia feel, my focus was really to make the purple pop and draw attention... right or wrong.

Looks like art to me. Beautiful.

Thank you John, very glad to hear.

Jonathan Ashton
09-25-2021, 04:36 AM
Late to the party but I like it composition and pose is good, I like the throat, is that pollen on the base of the bill? Image looks noise free to me.

Steve Kaluski
09-25-2021, 09:10 AM
Hi Brian, kind of 50/50 for me.

When you look at the posting here is way more detail there, especially in the head to come out, you can even see the pupil, but guess it depends on what/how you wish to portray the final image. I too can't see any noise within the posting. The vignette kind of works to a degree, but like Arash, I too perhaps prefer a more 'cleaner' look, but hey all good to experiment.

Re the R3, for those who have moved up through the ranks of the D series over the years, it does have a nice feel and the weight is lighter and perhaps a welcome , compared to the 1DX MK3. The calibration to build on its intelligence might be a bit f a pain and for certain 'environments' you may find you need to calibrate 'on-site' so to speak. The viewfinder is bright and being projected out, you don't find yourself squashing your face into the body. R1, who knows, as like everything that requires a chip, will mean a wait due to the short supply.


Brian Sump
09-25-2021, 01:40 PM
Jon thank you, and yes that is pollen; similar to the Broad-billed I posted a week or so ago.

Steve, appreciate the comments. Do you already have an R3? Agree with you on the darks, definitely room.

Based on prior suggestions, here is an alternative:


Steve Kaluski
09-25-2021, 05:44 PM
No, not personal Brian, but…