View Full Version : Maggie's exit

Jay Ing
09-20-2021, 12:46 PM
Another process on a Maggie heading out. Which the wings were more symmetrical and more light on the under body but overall liked this one. Have just one more from this outing to post and then we'll see what Friday allows (pending food weather and free time of course). I know Topaz can/should be able to work wonders on noise, but I've not been (and from comment you've not been) happy with the result. Last half dozen or so I've just worked in PS. No comments so it must be better. I'm pretty happy with results. Anyhow - TFL.

A1/600GM, FLM/Katanta Jr pairing




Mike Poole
09-20-2021, 03:00 PM
Lovely pose Joel, its been nice series to look at. I think the key comment here was 'I'm pretty happy with the results'. You've got a well timed shot, a nicely detailed bird and a pleasant background. It could maybe take a little extra NR, but as presented there is nothing distracting in my opinion, and we're getting a little too far into pixel peeping rather than looking at the entire frame if the shot is to be criticised in that way.


Brian Sump
09-20-2021, 06:09 PM
Jay, listen man, this is super sweet. One of the best flight shots you've posted, personally.

No doubt about nailing focus from beak to tail, including the feet. Fantastic pose with great eye contact. Great light angle and complimentary background - an all around winner.

RE Topaz, I am going away from it because of the uncontrollable bkg distortion but it still has it's place. Sometimes, certain images are just difficult to eliminate grain and posterization in at least from my view. The bkg here does have a touch of grain, but I'd be pleased with this one.


09-20-2021, 07:25 PM
Great flight shot, I agree with Brian, I dont have PS or Topaz anymore and dont miss it...
You should have little noise at iso2500 anyway, not sure why the A1 has noise, but it does, I see it all the time.
My D500 is better at that iso...

John Mack
09-20-2021, 07:39 PM
looks great in the soft light. I could care less about the noise.

09-20-2021, 11:45 PM
love this one Joel, sharp with great details, I see no noise from here looking on my 4K 32" NEC screen so I don't know what Dan K. is talking about.

you nailed it, 90% out there cannot even dream of capturing this bird with any kind of pose/sharpness


09-21-2021, 12:23 AM
Arash, Jay acknowledged there is noise, all mentioned it, I did not make it up.
I think Camera brands get a bit much in your critiques,,, the Sony A1 is great, not every frame anyone makes with it is perfect...

09-21-2021, 01:35 AM
Arash, Jay acknowledged there is noise, all mentioned it, I did not make it up.
I think Camera brands get a bit much in your critiques,,, the Sony A1 is great, not every frame anyone makes with it is perfect...

My critique has nothing to do with camera, where do you see noise? can you point out? maybe my eyes have gone bad :S3: ?

Kurt Bowman
09-21-2021, 04:11 AM
Jay, this is a really dynamic pose and frame! Love the wings and flailed tail feathers. I do see some noise, but it's a very acceptable amount. Nice work!

Andreas Liedmann
09-21-2021, 12:16 PM
Hi Jay ... yet another very cool flight shot !!!
Very cool field work , IMHO .

Just as purely personal pref or taste I would have chosen a different color grading globally and selectively a different tonal range , but this is a very minor , if any nit from my side .
Very nice details visible , just wish for a sharper output ... but this might too much expectation from my side . Always easy to say something , without seeing the base raw file .

As posted I would not bother about the VISIBLE noise , way better than the plastic over smoothed versions :w3.

Great stuff Jay

TFS Andreas

Daniel Cadieux
09-21-2021, 02:20 PM
This one is much better, wowie! The sharp face just in itself makes it above and beyond the previous one. The cool pose is excellent too. Unobstructed BG. All came together here.