View Full Version : Tawny Frogmouth/2

Colin Driscoll
09-04-2021, 02:25 AM
A different bird to the previous post in a classic broken stump camo pose.
R5 EF 600 III tripod
1/500 f6.3 iso1600 manual
Full frame, vertical format.
Lift exposure a little, NR to BG only, light sharpen

Steve Kaluski
09-04-2021, 03:59 AM
Hi Colin, certainly the image and PP is a lot better than the previous posting, but the subject just really looks odd, too contrasty & over sharp. What's 'light sharpening' in terms of amount and how are you sharpening the image, is it prior or after cropping for output? It's own camouflage might well blend nicely into it's environment but for me it does lack that... 'difference'.

Happy to take a look at the raw if you want to scoot it over.


Arthur Morris
09-04-2021, 08:36 AM
I agree with Steve on all counts. I like the more even lighting than on the last one but the bird looks over-crunched for sure. Shoot me the raw file via a large file sender if you wish.

with love, a

Andreas Liedmann
09-04-2021, 11:51 AM
Hi Colin ... can more or less repeat Steve´s thoughts .
They are such cool birds .... sadly they are nocturnal , so getting them with open eyes in daylight is quite difficult .
But always with trying ....

TFS Andreas

Colin Driscoll
09-04-2021, 03:16 PM
Thanks for the offers to work on the raw file but I need to get this right on my own now.
I have been pinged for lack of detail so many times past that I have gone too far the other way.
This is the original image with no sharpening other than Sharpen 3 in DPP.
As for the general appearance, the bird aims to look as obscure as possible.

John Mack
09-05-2021, 08:09 AM
Talk about camoflauge.