View Full Version : Greenfinch

Alexander Koenders
07-10-2008, 11:05 AM
In the garden of a friend of mine live a lot of difrent birdspecies. One of them is this greenfinch.

Olympus E3, Zuik ED300 f2.8, Zuiko 1.4 converter, 425mm focuslength, f7.1, 1/100 sec, ISO400, -0.3 stop

Daniel Cadieux
07-10-2008, 11:26 AM
Overall very nice. I like the exposure, and sharpness is good. I also actually like the displaced feather in the breast :-) Wish for a bit more room below, and too bad for the bit of debris on the upper mandible.

Paul Ricciardi
07-10-2008, 12:13 PM
Nice shot Alexander, I always love your stuff especially since I think you might be the only other Olympus shooter on the forums :)

I like the colours here, nice and sharp too. Agree with Daniel that a little more room on the bottom could help.

Alexander Koenders
07-10-2008, 02:19 PM
Nice shot Alexander, I always love your stuff especially since I think you might be the only other Olympus shooter on the forums :)

I like the colours here, nice and sharp too. Agree with Daniel that a little more room on the bottom could help.
And i am a verry happy olympusshooter:D;)

Paul Ricciardi
07-10-2008, 09:51 PM
And i am a verry happy olympusshooter:D;)

That makes two of us!

Kaushik Balakumar
07-11-2008, 07:10 AM
Beautiful bird. Nice details. Some more space around the bird might make it more interesting IMHO.