View Full Version : Juvenile Falcon calling Mommy...

Kambiz Shoarinejad
07-09-2021, 03:16 PM

Stopped by yesterday morning on my way to work. Very quiet day with almost no chance for flight shots. Perhaps the season is almost getting over... Shot in the earlier cloudy time of the day, aka June gloom!
Nikon D5, 600mm f/4E, ISO 1600, f/4, 1/4000", processed in C1Pro+PS.

Daniel Cadieux
07-09-2021, 04:56 PM
I like this! A fun pose, almost like it's smiling at you. The flared side feathers are neat too. I'm OK with the dof as the face is tack sharp. If anything, Id do some perch clean-up, especially the whitish bits.

David Roach
07-09-2021, 09:48 PM
Cool pose. Love the face/expression and those fluffy feathers, TFS

Steve Kaluski
07-10-2021, 07:28 AM
Hi Kambiz, dropping the SS and a upping the ISO then you could have increased you DoF which I feel would have helped. Overall I feel it's a bit dark, but..., if you have it, then I would move the whole crop right, with less to the left and more negative space to the right, plus having more at the foot, I just find the subject has no room to breathe.


Brian Sump
07-10-2021, 05:08 PM
Kambiz, mean look you got here. Very intense, like it! Ominous bkg adds to the frame for sure.

At f4 this was a stretch I think. With the D5 you could have bumped ISO for sure but you had plenty of SS to trade for dof. For me, I'd always love to have feet sharp on a perch like this with so much texture.

Otherwise, a bit more room to breathe could help too. TFS!

Kambiz Shoarinejad
07-11-2021, 02:28 AM
Thank you all so much for your comments and feedback. Appreciate it. I don’t know but personally I do actually prefer the shallower DOF in this frame as I feel it further attracts attentions towards the face and the facial expression. I am generally a fan of shallow DOF in portraits whether it be birds or my human subjects (which is one reason I pay all the $$$ for f/2, f/1.4 and f/1.2 glass) :)

07-11-2021, 03:17 AM
nice frame Kambiz, to be honest this isn't the best perch at that location, there is just too much crud on it. the "branch" is a much better perch IMO. I personally like to see the talons sharp for a raptor.

John Mack
07-20-2021, 07:24 PM
Looks like the bird is laughing.