View Full Version : Prothonotary Warbler

Bill Dix
06-13-2021, 07:06 PM
One of my favorite warblers. I love their rich golden yellow color. The last Prothonotary I posted was shot 2 hours from my house. This one was more like 15 minutes. Now that I know where he lives, I will l go back for another visit. The problem is that he roams over a large inaccessible swamp and only seems to come to the edges occasionally. This is a large crop and shows the results of that. I was on a walk with my wife and only carrying the 500PF. Next time I will go with the tele-extender, and a tripod, and a folding chair, and maybe a cool beverage for the cup holder. And just sit and wait until he comes around.

D500, 500PF, ISO 2000, 1/2500s @ f/5.6 manual, HH.

Krishna Prasad kotti
06-13-2021, 11:37 PM
I Like the singing pose and the image design.

I see some pasteurization on the background, probably too much NR ?

Like the perch as well.

How much of a crop is this?


Paul Burdett
06-14-2021, 07:29 AM
Lovely bird Bill...its colour really pops. The smooth BG compliments nicely. I like the perch as well. I do notice a little posterization just to the right of the bird, and for me there is a little too much empty space, but due to the crop/distance from the bird it's still a fine image. TFS

Daniel Cadieux
06-14-2021, 09:23 AM
Tough conditions you had, and I like your plan for a return visit. I like the image overall, I just wish it had better IQ that a less-cropped frame would have. Those yellows look great against the green BG.

Stu Bowie
06-14-2021, 01:25 PM
Hi Bill, what a great singing pose with the open beak, and those yellows of the warbler really pop. I can see various different comps for this. One would be to come up from the bottom, and add to the top.

John Mack
06-16-2021, 10:41 AM
Nice to see the warbler in the open. I do like the framing and the calling pose.

Bill Dix
06-17-2021, 04:21 PM
Thank you all for the comments. I haven't had another cloudy-bright day to return to this spot, but I have my cold beverage waiting in the fridge. Krishna, as posted this is 24% of the original pixels.