View Full Version : Siskin

William Dickson
04-07-2021, 05:12 PM
Canon 1DX Mk2
f/4 400mm DO Mk2 at 560mm
ISO 3200

I captured this one a few days ago at my set up....Tripod...ACR, Topaz DN and PS 2021..About a 50% crop.........I was up north at the Red Grouse today....a wee bit quiet, not much doin......but I did manage to get some new perches for the set up .....


Paul Burdett
04-08-2021, 05:11 AM
Lovely Will. Bird looks great...HA, sharpness, pose, all wonderful. I like the perch very much, but can also see a version cropped to just below that small pinkish bit on the lower section, as the perch does (for me) compete for the bird's attention.

Randy Stout
04-08-2021, 06:08 AM
I had the same reaction as Paul. I always look at the image before I read the details or any of the comments, and I too thought the portion of the perch hanging below the bird was a bit too powerful. Perhaps a wee nip with the scissors?

I like everything else!


Joseph Przybyla
04-08-2021, 09:00 AM
Hi Wil, I like the image, it appears your set up is working well. Beautiful colors on the bird, nice detail, lovely background. Thank you for sharing.

Jonathan Ashton
04-08-2021, 11:07 AM
Super shot Will, I like the untidy perch too, I appreciate maybe aesthetically it could be tidier but the big thing for me is that it looks natural so I guess I am saying don't cut it!!

04-08-2021, 11:45 AM
looks great pretty bird
, less is more IMO... our siskins have no black mostly brown w wee bit of yellow, this looks more like a the lesser goldfinch in the States.

Jack Backs
04-08-2021, 06:08 PM
Nice BG, nice detail. Looks like the bird groomed itself for the photo session. I guess if I was going to quibble, I'd want the feet a little more visible.

John Mack
04-08-2021, 06:33 PM
Cool looking siskin. I like the feather pattern. Nice detail on the bird as well.

Brian Sump
04-08-2021, 11:02 PM
Will, not a whole lot to add. Another nice frame!

Love how much detail you brought out of the yellows. You have quite a set up there eh mate?

Comments on trimming the lichen noted.

William Dickson
04-09-2021, 01:33 PM
Thanks for that guys....Much appreciated


Andreas Liedmann
04-10-2021, 10:01 AM
Hi Will a lovely Siskin frame !
Nice comp and pose , tones are looking good as the colors in general . Personally I think the image does have a cooler touch ... I would rather prefer a more " neutral WB ". At least I would reduce the blue/cyan coloration in the subject .
I would really like to " discuss" your sharpening routine , as I feel if going slightly lower with it .... your images might benefit from it. Purely personal taste from my side .

TFS Andreas

Volkan Akgul
04-10-2021, 04:28 PM
Hi William,

very good detail and comp.


Dorian Anderson
04-11-2021, 09:17 AM
That's is a sharp subject! Love that eye contact too! Color really cracks on that soft BG. I agree about the bit of lichen below the brach feeling heavy. It's far, far from a deal breaker, but it might be worth playing with it a bit to lighten the shadows an minimize its presence.