View Full Version : Wood ducks on display

Ron Van Fleet
02-27-2021, 08:26 PM
Hello all, Hope you are well in these trying times. Here is another image that I shot near Astoria, OR. Shot with EOS 5DS with Sigma 150-600 mm at 600mm. Aperature priority mode-f9, 1/200 second, ISO auto:3200, EC 1.0, center weighted average metering, autofocus mode-One shot. Was a nasty, drizzly day with heavy overcast. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Daniel Cadieux
02-27-2021, 09:05 PM
Hi Ron, doing well over here thanks! Wood Ducks are always fun to spot! First things first - you can post larger than what you present here, it makes it easier to critique. A few suggestions for you: First, the composition is too tight front and back, don't be afraid to zoom out. It's generally preferable to have more room in front for the subjects to "swim" into. The trailing subject is looking away (and the female as well), which makes those less interesting that the middle fella. If these guys accept human presence, you may try placing yourself lower (if possible) and luring them closer with seeds.

Tech-wise, for bird photography, One-shot is not recommended - switch that to "Continuous" and you will get many more keepers and interesting poses to choose from.

Looks like your exposure was bang-on, and great that you got the males in breeding plumage!

Ron Van Fleet
02-27-2021, 11:52 PM
Thank you for your critique Daniel. Will look at the sizing instructions again. Your comments are appreciated. I have been doing mostly landscape scenics most of my life. It is good to get compostion tips concerning birds. Thank you again. Ron.

Bill Dix
02-28-2021, 04:09 PM
Good critique from Dan. Wood Ducks are very skittish where I live, so any chance to see and photograph them in the wild is a thrill. Keep it up.

Ron Van Fleet
03-04-2021, 03:23 PM
Thank you for you comment and encouragement Bill.