View Full Version : Birds are Dinosaurs...

David Roach
02-21-2021, 05:32 AM
EOS R6 RF 100-500 @500 f7.1 1/8000 ISO 1600 HH, Manual EXP

Late sun just emerged from cloud. Could have lowered ISO. The sun angle was just right to get this elusive dark eye with some detail.

Thanks as always for valued comments and help on previous posts. Please keep them coming.

Jonathan Ashton
02-21-2021, 07:36 AM
He does have a sort of primitive look about him I must agree, he looks like a killer to me. IQ looks fine to me, detail looks good.
If you wanted to explore the highlights I feel a little more detail is possible but it looks pretty good as is.

Randy Stout
02-21-2021, 05:32 PM
I had great fun shooting Wood Storks on a rainy day in Florida with Daniel, have always thought they were indeed throw backs to a more primitive time.

I do agree with Jon about the whites. Overall OK, but there are some quite warm sections. Might run a luminosity mask on them to adjust them specifically.



Dorian Anderson
02-21-2021, 06:57 PM
Great view of this weird bird, David. Detail looks pretty good across the bird, and I agree about taming the whites in places. Yeah, ISO 400 would done it here. Whispy clouds in distance add some really nice texture versus a pure blue sky.

Arthur Morris
02-22-2021, 05:19 PM
Good head angle, SH, and EXP. I do not like the shadowed feathers lower left nor the bill tip merging with the bird's left wing which is unfortunately out of place ...

with love, a