View Full Version : Theme While browsing through some images...

Jim Crosswell
01-31-2021, 06:50 PM
I took this image around the house in November. I believe it's a female Sparrow but all the others don't have the brows like this one! I would have posted it in the Bird ID forum but I see it no longer is available. Hope you enjoy the image and any ID comments would be appreciated.

Nikon D500
Sigma 150-600 @600mm
ISO 1250
Manual Mode

Randy Stout
02-01-2021, 07:39 AM

Can't help on the ID unfortunately. The raised brows are quite striking. Nice head angle, eye contact.

Perhaps just a touch over sharpened for my tastes.



David Roach
02-01-2021, 12:50 PM
Beautiful detail but no ID here, Agree it is either slightly over sharpened or too bright. Was this flashed? Either way, love the BG details and framing on this canvas. TFS

Andreas Liedmann
02-01-2021, 03:12 PM
Hi Jim .... cool looking bird with the " eye brows " .
Nice frontal light and you have a wide range of tones in the subject , almost jumping of the BG .
I personally would like to see a slightly lower contrast and slightly lower sharpening amount , as I feel it is on the edge . Maybe using a lower radius might help . Or splitting the sharpening by making copy of the sharpened layer , set one to lighten blend mode ( opacity i.e. 50 % ) the other to darken blend mode ( opacity i.e. 80 % ) ..... just thought .

TFS Andreas

Jim Crosswell
02-06-2021, 06:53 PM
Thanks Randy, David and Andreas for your comments and suggestions. David the bird wasn't flashed just low direct sunlight. I might have bumped up the contrast before posting and that didn't help the image. Andreas I still haven't learned how to use layers and should use the opportunity of all my spare time. Thanks again for your interest in the image.