View Full Version : European Kingfisher

Dave Stewart
01-18-2021, 04:57 PM
This Kingfisher was photographed at a location near to where I live. It frequents a busy park and is therefore fairly tame.

Photographed with the Nikon D850 and Nikon 500mm f5.6 of lens combination. 1/200th sec, f5.6 ISO 500.

The perch was a branch of a tree. Once lockdown ends in the UK I hope to return and place some more interesting perches.

I am slightly struggling with resizing the images for uploading here - seems like they lose a lot of quality, any tips to ensure best quality gratefully received.

Comments welcomed.

David Roach
01-18-2021, 05:37 PM
Hi Dave, framing, perch and BG all killer. Also looks like details are great but right now is over sharpened. I am sure you will get better advice from pros and you can shoot a message to a moderator to get help on resizing. A beautiful canvas once you back off sharpening some to my eye. Your are off to a great start, mate. TFS

Krishna Prasad kotti
01-19-2021, 12:44 AM
Nice Colors, Head Angle, and details on the bird.

I would look at the perch and ask my self do I want some greenish ting in that same or would a brownish perch looks good.


Randy Stout
01-19-2021, 07:51 AM

It is a striking little fellow, but as mentioned, a bit over sharpened and also over saturated. Sounds like a great spot and when circumstances allow , worth revisiting. In Michigan, the wild kingfishers are really spooky, even when shooting from a boat.

I recommend posting no more than 1600 wide, or 1200 high.



Dave Stewart
01-19-2021, 03:53 PM
Thank you all for commenting. I have reworked the image: reprocessed starting from a flat profile rather than landscape in photoshop, desaturated the greens on the branch, reduced sharpening and resized to 1600 pc wide.

I would be interested to know if you think I have hit the mark this time.

Thanks again for the help and advice.


Dave Stewart
01-19-2021, 04:08 PM
I wasn’t happy with the last edit so here is a further attempt. I would be interested to know which you prefer.

Many thanks.


Randy Stout
01-19-2021, 08:34 PM

I prefer the second repost. Bit more contrast than repost #1, looks a bit sharper. The original was too sharp, 1st repost too soft, 2nd repost seems better, perhaps just a sliver more sharpening on the bird. Colors are much more natural in the reposts.



Steve Kaluski
01-20-2021, 02:53 AM
I am slightly struggling with resizing the images for uploading here - seems like they lose a lot of quality, any tips to ensure best quality gratefully received.

Hi Dave,

With the high mega pixel of the D850 I think you need to shoot with a higher SS, as you can find you get pixel blur, just a thought, but at 1/200 and you had ISO, then perhaps push it.

Regarding the image, there are some basics I think that need to be addressed in some of the settings, the first issue is the image posted has a ProPhoto colour profile embedded, you need an sRGB for Web & Projected images.

I'm just thinking if there is a workaround on getting some basics right, without having to write vast instructions here Dave, but firstly can you tell me:

Camera, what is the colour Space set to Adobe or sRGB?
Are you shooting Raw or JPEG?
Mac or PC?
What version of PS, is it, PSCC or older, please don't say elements or CS6 or lower :bg3:
Are you using PS to convert your Raw files?

The attached isn't perfect, to warm, but the origianals look cold with a slight green cast


Dave Stewart
01-20-2021, 02:48 PM

Thanks for the help.

Camera set to Adobe RGB.
Shot in Raw, Picture Control Neutral.
I tend to do most of the work in Lightroom either Classic on the Mac or on the IPad. I tend to use Photoshop for curves, cropping, sharpening and resizing. Both Lightroom and Photoshop are the current versions (I subscribe to the photography package).
I convert raw, either with Lightroom on the IPad or Photoshop on the Mac - I will probably settle on Lightroom here as well but I have a back catalogue to import into Lightroom.

I will check settings to ensure sRGB.

I will look to up the shutter speed but this shot does look pin sharp on the Mac and was shot on a rock solid tripod locked down. It certainly is something to look at but at the moment I think the biggest issue is post processing ��

Many thanks again.


Steve Kaluski
01-20-2021, 03:07 PM
Hi Dave,

You are talking my language, LR, PS & Mac are based.

Your call, but it might be easier to talk on the phone and go through some of the Mac settings, as camera is correct. If you want to, you could send me the raw and we could just go through some very basics steps in real time and hopefully spot any issues in the workflow which in turn may result in better uploads?

just a though as i said, just let me know, where are you based in the UK?


Andreas Liedmann
01-21-2021, 11:21 AM
Hi Dave ... a lovely classic shot of this most beautiful European bird species ( well in my eyes )

I would agree about technical shortcomings of the image as posted , so will not repeat them .

I would take Steve´s offer for a basic :w3 guidance .... and listen carefully , you might be able to learn something !!! :cheers:

Just one word about your workflow from my side ... not sure about the iPad for image editing :eek3::Whoa!::w3

TFS Andreas

BTW .... welcome to BPN

Dave Stewart
01-21-2021, 04:09 PM

Wow, that is a really kind offer and I would love to take you up on it.

I am based in the avian desert that is Hertfordshire.

I have been looking at tutorials on line but your offer would be great. It could also be that the IPad (as suggested elsewhere) isn’t helping as I have been doing some of the workflow on that.

I will send you the Raw file. In the meantime I have had another go based on what I have seen online, not sure what you make of this one.

Hugh tanks


Steve Kaluski
01-21-2021, 04:29 PM
Hi Dave, have replied to your pm.

I think all we need to do is some simple housekeeping on settings and a basic workflow, no silver bullet, but the aim is for you to be able to process an image (which you can) but ultimately for you to be able to post a better/ more reflective image and then build on the feedback from the Avian folk, but swing by Wildlife too.

Steve Kaluski
01-22-2021, 05:23 AM
Hi Dave, will call you Monday at 4.00pm, however, if you have time this weekend can you just try rattling off some frames in the garden, where you push the Histogram as far right as possible without clipping/blowing the Highlights. We can talk Monday, but mastering the Histogram in camera and learning to shoot in manual mode and ETTR will be your best friend.

Can you PM your email address please Dave.
