View Full Version : Black-capped chickadee- you "lichen" ?

gail bisson
01-10-2021, 07:00 PM
Got this at my feeder set up last week.
Canon 1 Dx3 600mm v3
ISO 2500 F 4.5 SS 1/1600
I got lucky here because that small "catchlight" in the eye is a small snowflake. I emphasized the "catchlight" with a bit of dodging.
Nothing added or cloned.
Comments and critiques always appreciated and learned from with thanks,

01-10-2021, 10:32 PM
nice frame Gail, I like the pose, looks as if he is skiing on the perch, wish the eye was a bit more visible, maybe you can dodge it a bit. I'd also get rid of the larger snow OOF flakes in the frame


Volkan Akgul
01-11-2021, 12:59 AM
Hi Gail,

very good comp. It is a very natural and lively scene. Could the head and eye be a little more open

Jonathan Ashton
01-11-2021, 07:32 AM
I like the composition and timing, I would be inclined to dodge or lift the head a little bit. Dodging the eye would need to be done carefully I think there is a rogue snowflake there!

Brian Sump
01-11-2021, 10:09 AM
Gail, beautiful composition.

Love that you got the wings up on this little guy and the snow-flinging action is great. Snow on lichen presents beautifully.

I am indifferent about the larger snow (circles) mostly in the left and upper portions and good suggestions on dodging.


01-11-2021, 12:28 PM
Hi Gail, I love the action you froze with the snow falling off the terrific lichen branch. Wing up is terrific. Now i would shootin for a better HA so the eye pops and having a full tail. Sweet capture for sure.

Kurt Bowman
01-11-2021, 12:39 PM
Love the perch, the motion in the wings and flying snow. I love shooting Chickadees and miss doing that when I lived in Colorado. I too wish the head angle was a bit different to see the eye better, but not sure if dodging much would look natural, it’d have to be very little. Love the post!

John Mack
01-12-2021, 02:57 PM
I am lichening this one alot. What a perch. Neat pose on the chickadee.