View Full Version : Almost...

Jack Backs
12-19-2020, 10:39 AM
Well, I wasn't prepared for this encounter. I was parked pursuing an American Tree Sparrow out of the window of my vehicle. Normally Northern Harriers flee at the sight of a vehicle in my area.
I was concentrating on the sparrow when I notice some significant movement out of my squinted left eye. Glanced up and found this harrier hovering really close. Unfortunately I was shooting
almost wide open and didn't have the focus range limit set. The bird took up almost two thirds of the frame and I was unable to ever center the bird. Hovering isn't actually a very good description
at that range, it's more like bobbing up and down rapidly. The few other images I kept were clipped worse and the tail was was close enough to the center that the auto focus decided the stripes would
be the easiest thing to select so the heads are soft. It dropped out of frame and I had a hard time reacquiring the bird before it moved on. A little frustrating because it was an absolutely beautiful
morning just after sunrise.
Nikon D500, 500mmF4VRII, TC-14EIII
f6.3, 1/3200s, iso640

David Roach
12-19-2020, 01:04 PM
Really highlights their concentration when on prey. Great details and love the BG. TFS

Brian Sump
12-19-2020, 05:31 PM
Bummer Jack.

I've been following Harriers lately and would have loved to get this one too. It's like the big fish that got off at the boat.

Would have been killer man. You'll get the next....

Paul Burdett
12-19-2020, 07:07 PM
Hi Jack. I feel your pain:bugeyed: Same thing happened to me with Ospreys coming out of nowhere whilst photographing something else. In any case, it's still a good shot even with the softness. Cheers!

John Mack
12-20-2020, 06:35 PM
Maybe next time you will catch one.