View Full Version : What about me!

David Roach
12-15-2020, 10:58 AM
EOS R6 RF100-500 RF 1.4xtc @700 f10 1/1300 ISO 10000 HH Manual EXP, small crop for composition

Was out imaging hummers in the backyard when this regular flew in and asked "What about me...". This one bird allowed three tests this evening. One was flying into the middle of firebush for extreme test of AF eye detection. This opportunity was in low light and almost at MFD. Finally flew about 30 yards to neighbors fence, backlit and could only see form. Pointed rig with small in frame silhouette and it immediately grabbed eye I couldn't even see myself. This one was slow glass combo (F10 wide open) in low light and high ISO (sun setting on overcast evening in the shade of oak (thus ISO 10000)). This body/lens combo has been versatile (including low light situations).

David Roach
12-15-2020, 11:08 AM
For this Auto Eye AF test saw the mockingbird fly into the middle of the firebush , swung rig around, pointed at entry point, before I saw head the AF had the eye. This is raw file in DPP to show AF box. Same settings as post. This was first of 6 frames. All as this beauty was picking berries in there. All tracked eye, even when branches intervened. Yes it does miss (grabs anything round or oval shaped) but overall many more keepers than only pointing yourself. Not bad for version 1 of the FW. It also works well in low light.

gail bisson
12-15-2020, 04:59 PM
Hi David,
The bird looks good but I am not loving the crop and I am not crazy about the BG!
Eye AF is pretty awesome!

Jim Crosswell
12-15-2020, 07:41 PM
These images do show how the eye focus is working for you and being curious about its performance I really appreciate your examples, TFS.

12-15-2020, 10:06 PM
Way too large in the frame like a lot of yours... I would use your zoom better..
The eye AF seems like a gimmick but whatever sells cameras...
If I used single point in any camera I can focus on the eye.

David Roach
12-16-2020, 01:03 AM
Way too large in the frame like a lot of yours... I would use your zoom better..
The eye AF seems like a gimmick but whatever sells cameras...
If I used single point in any camera I can focus on the eye.

Hi Dan, as stated, I was just testing. So, this is a zoom at it's far end with extra stop of light lost due to TC and wide open. Bird was three feet from me (this lens has very short MFD making it very versatile) and in normal case would have at least zoomed out to get feet and tail with clearance (just a test). However, look at sharpness, not bad at all for this situation. And IQ, also not bad for ISO 10000. So, RF glass, great job, I'd say. And some people have trepidation with this slow zoom. Not really an issue with these bodies. They handle high ISO well and they autofocus down to f22. Among all FF mirrorless bodies this (R6) has the best AF in low light EV -6.5 . For us oldie goldies, that means high IQ with lighter rigs. As far as your ability to point at eye, not in servo sequence (what we do mostly) you can't(not like this rig). Not as good as this technology allows. Your rig already has great performance in AF speed and accuracy even though you are pointing. That's precisely why people with Sony bodies have them. Do they want to give that up? Me thinks not:S3:. Heck, we could all go back to film (why I have mucho respect for Artie) and manually AF if we wanted to avoid all these gimmicks...:bg3: Being serious now, while we may disagree on this point, I truly appreciate your inputs and have much respect for your inputs given the respect I have for your photography. Please keep those comments and your help coming. Much appreciated.

12-16-2020, 01:20 AM
You do interesting work, dont get defensive....
As far as equipment, I am just over it.,,, People changing gear is fine, do whatever, have fun.
I cannot tell on the internet, Sony from Canon from Nikon.
Good light is good light. Sharp is sharp. Composition does not care what brand you are using.
Good images are good images.

David Roach
12-16-2020, 01:27 AM
You do interesting work, dont get defensive....
As far as equipment, I am just over it.,,, People changing gear is fine, do whatever, have fun.
I cannot tell on the internet, Sony from Canon from Nikon.
Good light is good light. Sharp is sharp. Composition does not care what brand you are using.
Good images are good images.

Fully agree and not defensive at all, my man...

John Mack
12-16-2020, 07:48 PM
You did well in the conditions you had to work with here. The bird has pretty decent detail.