View Full Version : High Key (sort of)Hudsonian Godwit

gail bisson
11-24-2020, 11:04 AM
I rarely like high key images but I kind of like this one.
Taken on a cloudy, bright day.
Canon 1 Dx3 600mm and 1.4 x
ISO 1600 F 5.6 SS 1/1600
Nothing added or cloned. About 65% FF
Comments and critiques always appreciated and learned from with thanks,

Mike Poole
11-24-2020, 11:40 AM
Thats a nice little 'coy' glance you're getting there Gail! Not really a high key image in my book as there are the 'regular' colours on the bird. However, the ultra bright waters help with the shot here, they bring you in nicely to the bird and the vegetation. Oh - and it has everyones favourite walking pose!

Nice work


11-24-2020, 12:25 PM
Nice head angle I am not sure about the leaves on the perch. Colors look a bit off/ dull on my screen. Like Mike I also like a strong high key effect or A more interesting BG



gail bisson
11-24-2020, 12:25 PM
Thats a nice little 'coy' glance you're getting there Gail! Not really a high key image in my book as there are the 'regular' colours on the bird. However, the ultra bright waters help with the shot here, they bring you in nicely to the bird and the vegetation. Oh - and it has everyones favourite walking pose!

Nice work

You are correct Mike so I amended the title to reflect your observation! Maybe because it is not really high key, that is why I like it!:t3

Mike Poole
11-24-2020, 01:03 PM
I like it regardless of whatever category its going in!

Brian Sump
11-24-2020, 02:13 PM
Gail, I love the high key-ish feel here and I really like the vegetation. The low pov and the fact that the vegetation exists in a limited section works very well IMO.

The pose, strut and camera acknowledgement put it over the top. I could see a version with the water drops omitted also as they are a little hard to discern with the brighter exposure effects.


Jonathan Ashton
11-24-2020, 02:52 PM
I like it too, the pose and the water droplets provide added interest. Just perhaps a very subtle vignette would work?

I think I would be inclined to raise the exposure/ lift the darker elements in the plumage, I doubt you will agree but that's just fine, by the same token I think you feel I tend to lift them too much. I think the images would become boring if everyone thought everything was OK, differences in opinion make me think about different ways to present a subject. (BTW I will try you suggestions on my image).

Great comment Jon! I agree 100% about differences in opinion. That is what makes viewing images so much fun. Much more interesting to have "different" tastes!

Bill Dix
11-24-2020, 04:18 PM
Quite lovely, especially coming from someone who doesn't like high-key(ish) image as much as I do. Great POV and little island of vegetation. I could probably do without the water drops. I haven't seen all that many Hudwits IRL, but my limited impression is of birds with slightly more contrast, slightly warmer. Perhaps several points of black to the neutrals? Maybe it's the season.

11-24-2020, 04:57 PM
Well late to the party but i think this image really rocks. What a wonderful placement that captured interesting vegetation, and the soft undulation of the water. Love the HA, and the stride with the toes curled and separated. Love the soft buffy colors throughout. I bet you were sayin something like, "keep moving, and look o'er here!" Well done indeed

11-24-2020, 07:30 PM
I like it a lot.. Not really high key and I like the leaves...

Paul Burdett
11-24-2020, 08:32 PM
Late to this one too. Stunningly beautiful Gail...wouldn't change a thing here.

Daniel Cadieux
11-25-2020, 02:03 PM
I love this. Perfect head turn, and the floating (?) vegetation looks great IMO. Terrific details and pale colours.

So, for those who think this is not high key, for a repost I placed a key, high in the frame for you all. Ha! (Sorry Gail, I don't know why, but had to.....)

Jim Crosswell
11-25-2020, 05:18 PM
Beautiful image Gail. I like the low angle, pose, sharpness, vegetation and composition.

gail bisson
11-25-2020, 05:28 PM
I love this. Perfect head turn, and the floating (?) vegetation looks great IMO. Terrific details and pale colours.

So, for those who think this is not high key, for a repost I placed a key, high in the frame for you all. Ha! (Sorry Gail, I don't know why, but had to.....)

OMG Daniel! This made me laugh out loud!! Too funny!

Brian Sump
11-25-2020, 08:05 PM
So, for those who think this is not high key, for a repost I placed a key, high in the frame for you all. Ha! (Sorry Gail, I don't know why, but had to.....)