View Full Version : Rock Wren

Krishna Prasad kotti
11-24-2020, 01:29 AM
Thank you all for the comments on the previous Rock Wren Image. Here is another version.

I made this image on Antelope Island last weekend.
I camped on weekend to photograph wintering Ducks.
I used Audio once I saw the species near my Campsite.

Camera Settings:-
Nikon D850 500 pf f/4
Info 1/800 f/5.6 ISO1600
Manual; Matrix metering

Post Processing:-
Raw Processing using C1P 20
Cropped from top for Composition
Nik 25-25 Filter on Bird at reduced opacity
Tonal Adjustments in Viveza
Neat Image NR
Sharpening using Topaz
Dodge selectively
Cloned foreground element

Let me know your thoughts and comments.


11-24-2020, 03:40 AM
much better than the other one for me, I like the warm light and the orange tones but might pull the red channel back a tad. I find the OOF part of the rock a bit over powering, maybe burning the highlights on the top half the rock edge might help ...


Ivan Sjogren
11-24-2020, 08:02 AM
Seems like you had a wonderful time with this Rock Wren Krishna!

I have to disagree with Arash here and say that I much prefer the previous image. I think that frame was very strong and was obviously going for something different than a classic portrait. This post aims to follow the conventional rules but I'm distracted by the two-parted background and that the divide go through the head of the bird. Also, I'm not the biggest fan of the rock and I think the sunlit part of the rock in the foreground draws attention from the bird. Apart from that I do the bird looks great, the pose is nice and the details are lovely. I just think the light, the composition and the foreground all worked for you in the previous image whilst there are issues here.

David Roach
11-24-2020, 08:45 AM
I really, really love both your frames with these beauties. The use of light and shadows in both is masterful. TFS

gail bisson
11-24-2020, 10:39 AM
I too, prefer the previous image.
This one is lovely though.
I would crop this a bit more to get rid of some of the OOF rock (if you have enough pixels).
Agree with Arash on pulling back the orange/reds slightly,

Brian Sump
11-24-2020, 08:15 PM
Krishna, I think this has a very artistic flare. I love a little deviation from the norm and the last? light is beautiful.

I think an introduction of the rock from left to right with the cliff as you pan is really cool with a bunch of canvas with margin on the rest is nice.