View Full Version : Great-tailed grackle

Krishna Prasad kotti
09-22-2020, 11:26 PM
I made this image in Sand Hollow State Park last week. I did camping at this place in an attempt to be at sunrise and sunset at this location.
This is a good place for a great background and I had a nice time to photograph shorebirds.

I also had a great time with grackles.

Camera Settings:-
Nikon D850 500 pf + 1.4 x TCII
Info 1/1600s f/6.3 ISO1250
Manual; Matrix metering

Post Processing:-
Raw Processing using C1P 20
Slight crop from Top left corner to keep the bird off-center
Tonal Adjustments in Viveza
Neat Image NR
Sharpening for Presentation
Cloned few branches in the lower-left corner.

Let me know your thoughts and comments.


09-23-2020, 10:39 AM
Nice minimal frame with a nice head turn....

gail bisson
09-23-2020, 12:07 PM
Agree with Dan. Just wish the branch was not intersecting with the tail. You could consider cloning it out.
I would some a bit off the bottom,

Dorian Anderson
09-23-2020, 03:19 PM
I really like the composition, lighting, and contrast, but I'm not a huge fane of the pose. The tail is this bird's signature feature, and we can't see any of it here. Big props on the wide/loose crop. We need more of those on this board!

Ivan Sjogren
09-23-2020, 04:28 PM
I appreciate these kind of frames. I think this one has a few flaws though. The main one has already been metioned and it is the branch intersecting with the tail. Other than that I think this frame needs a more interesting background to evoke emotion. Other than that I think the light, the pose and the comp are very good.

John Mack
09-23-2020, 06:52 PM
You know i like these kind of images. The placement of the bird in the frame is right on. Nice light and pose. Works very well.