View Full Version : I Love Gooooold!

Brian Sump
09-21-2020, 06:40 PM

Goldfinches are everywhere here right now, especially the Lesser variety. But it makes for a good time to work on fun compositions. Here a female American.

Ready for the smoke to die down but embrace every chance I get to shoot.

600mm + 1.4x
ISO 2000

LR and PS. Evicted 3-4 oof grasses coming up from bottom.

kevin Hice
09-21-2020, 08:49 PM
Brian just beautiful the flowers make this IMO. All the right colors Golds to yellows with some cream and in between plus the greens. You sure have been fortunate.Love this almost like a painting .Sure the bird isn't as colorful as your bunting
or the red rocket.I love the overall composition on this one TFS.

Krishna Prasad kotti
09-21-2020, 11:44 PM
Beautiful Composition and Colors. May be a touch too Yellow. I would look at the color cast to see if anything needs to be corrected.


Brian Sump
09-22-2020, 07:12 AM
Kevin, thank you for the thoughtful feedback!

Krishna - appreciate your comments. I did put this through multiple WB trials in LR. There is just a lot of yellow in the frame and was first light, plus some influence from the heavy wildfire smoke. Perhaps I could create another variant less warm

James Babbitt
09-22-2020, 08:28 AM
Beautiful picture. Flower and perch steal the scene, but that is not a bad thing IMO.

Dorian Anderson
09-22-2020, 09:14 AM
Perfect depiction of this species! I see them all the time along SF Bay but always on tangled, ugly perches. These flowers are great, and I think the shot it composed perfectly. Super sharp, and I like we can see the left foot peaking out from behind the flower. Yeah, the frame looks a tiny bit yellow, but I like the blend with the pink tones. I'd probably leave it as is.

Brian Sump
09-22-2020, 09:55 PM
James and Dorian, thanks for commenting. Your points are noted.

John Mack
09-23-2020, 06:43 PM
I see alot of these in the summer then not so much the fall. They usually come to my feeder set ups in winter with pine siskins tagging along. It works for me. The perch,pose and framing are right on. The light brings out the detail nicely.