View Full Version : Buff-breasted Sandpiper

gail bisson
09-11-2020, 09:12 AM
I went on a 5 day road trip down to the very tip of Southern Nova Scotia to Cape Sable Island (not to be confused with Sable Island). The island is about 2.5 km long and 0.6 km wide and is a 5 minute boat ride from the mainland.
The island is a stop-over for whimbrels and buff-breasted sandpipers (which I love). We found 7 buffy's in total on Saturday morning but when we returned on Sunday they were gone. Talk about lucky timing!
I love this image although I don't expect it will be to everyone's taste! Taken about 5 minutes after sunrise. This was the best head turn in the series with this BG. They were very jittery and I now realize it is because they were about to fly off to the pampas of Argentina.
PP-Crop to 70 % FF. I had to paint in a very bright spot directly above the bird's head with brush at 40% opacity. Bummer...
Canon 1 DX3, 600mm and 1.4 x.
ISO 1600 SS 1/1250 F 5.6 Handheld.
Comments and critiques always appreciated and learned from with thanks,

Randy Stout
09-11-2020, 10:39 AM

Lovely color palette, dew drops are nice, effective DOF, like the sunrise on face. Nice catchlight. I am OK with the HA because of the sense that the bird is looking off towards the sunrise. I would consider toning down the orange spot in LRC just a bit, is a bit eye pulling.



Jonathan Ashton
09-11-2020, 11:16 AM
A beautiful image and I really like it, agree with Randy and if you do clone I would eliminate the two specular highlights.

Bill Dix
09-11-2020, 04:35 PM
The sweet sunrise light really makes this one, along with the nice foreground lichen and dew drops. Oh, and the beautiful background. Not to mention the head turn. I like it.

These guys have been trickling through our area on their way south, mostly stopping on sod farms and usually too far away for any hope of a shot.

Brian Sump
09-11-2020, 06:28 PM
Gail, I love almost everything about this photo - the colors, fantastic lighting, detail and even the green lichen/moss on the ground is gorgeous. I find the lateral oof grass by the left foot slightly distracting and would probably clone it. Otherwise, unfortunately I am one such that the head angle would prevent me from posting here. Closer to 90 degrees, even if not perfect, would probably make it.

That said, people like Georgina Steytler inspire me to buck the norm and try/accept new things. The head angle here gives me a contemplative emotion as though the SP is gazing off in thought. Because of that, I can embrace this one for what it is. Traditionally speaking though, not so much.

Thanks for posting.

Paul Burdett
09-11-2020, 11:08 PM
Gail: apart from the distractions/mentioned...I love this! The beautiful almost burnt BG and the striking colourful FG really draw me in (almost more than the bird). In any case, the bird's pose and HA tell a story, as Randy suggests...very contemplative feel here.

David Roach
09-12-2020, 02:23 AM
I love direct morning sidelight. You've done it more than justice here. HA, for this light, spot on for me. TFS

gail bisson
09-12-2020, 06:08 AM
How cool that you talk about Georgina! She is my hero/mentor. Her photography is amazing and I have learned a lot from her. She is a really nice lady too!

Gail, I love almost everything about this photo - the colors, fantastic lighting, detail and even the green lichen/moss on the ground is gorgeous. I find the lateral oof grass by the left foot slightly distracting and would probably clone it. Otherwise, unfortunately I am one such that the head angle would prevent me from posting here. Closer to 90 degrees, even if not perfect, would probably make it.

That said, people like Georgina Steytler inspire me to buck the norm and try/accept new things. The head angle here gives me a contemplative emotion as though the SP is gazing off in thought. Because of that, I can embrace this one for what it is. Traditionally speaking though, not so much.

Thanks for posting.

Geoffrey Montagu
09-12-2020, 01:02 PM
Gail, this is breathtakingly great in all respects. Just the way the sun is catching the tops of the patches of moss covered rocks, and the location of the catch light in his eye.... The warmth of the light in the face and neck feathers, the reflections in the dewdrops in the curled over grasses/plants, not to mention the beautiful complimentary background.

Excellent post production work.


http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu (http://500px.com/geoffreymontagu)

John Mack
09-13-2020, 06:09 AM
Great light. Lovely setting. The dew and/or rain drops are very nice touch. Framing is right on.

Krishna Prasad kotti
09-14-2020, 04:41 AM
Very Nice Colors and Beautiful light makes this image.

I am not to fan of Head Angle in this one but as folks say it does not matter in this case.


Brian Sump
09-14-2020, 03:55 PM
How cool that you talk about Georgina! She is my hero/mentor. Her photography is amazing and I have learned a lot from her. She is a really nice lady too!

That's very interesting. Her work is superb, her laugh infectious and her message to think outside the 'forums box' or buck the trends and let creativity flow is inspiring. Love to meet her one day.