View Full Version : Zoning Committee Meeting

Brian Sump
08-06-2020, 11:49 AM

The regal President of the local HOA (you guess which one) held a meeting to discuss the zoning boundaries in the local township....

On a serious note, while the techs here aren't perfect and I'd wished I had the full Finch tail I thought you might enjoy the frame. Captured off of my back deck.

ISO 2000

LR and PS, DNAI. Had several frames of varying wing positions and chose to superimpose the hummer from the previous frame with this finch frame. Identical placement and focal plane.

Randy Stout
08-06-2020, 05:52 PM

The obvious interaction makes this one, and the finch tail is secondary to the story here. Effective choice of SS here to impart that feeling of hummingbird high speed wing beats.

Since this is a merged image, do you have a frame with more of the perch that the finch is in? Would be nice to have it a bit further into the frame.



Brian Sump
08-07-2020, 10:28 AM
Randy thanks for the comments. Totally agree.

Unfortunately I was at the end of my deck and couldn't get a better stance for the Finch.

David Roach
08-07-2020, 11:27 AM
Interaction alone takes this over the top for me. Very nice back porch action with clean BG and SH where it needs to be. TFS

Paul Burdett
08-07-2020, 08:39 PM
Brian: I Agree with David on the interaction success here. This is a really nice composition...lovely colours, poses and the BG colour provides a perfect contrast to the subjects. Just wondering if you could rotate the Hummer just a fraction clockwise, so the eye is more in line with the finch's eye?

Brian Sump
08-09-2020, 06:39 PM
Paul, I suppose all things are doable here. Having already pushed the envelope of being true to the scene by transposing the Hummer, not sure I feel great about rotating. But point received, thanks!

John Mack
08-12-2020, 07:38 PM
Neat to see both birds in the frame. The eye contact is nice as well. Looks like the are staring each other down. Killer background.