View Full Version : last jelly delivery

07-24-2020, 12:19 PM
Here is an orchard oriole fledgling with its Dad. I have had a super nesting season in my yard with various species, I do feed daily seed, suet, fruit, nuts, jelly and i'm consistent! This is a dying branch from my dying large crabapple tree and close by are oranges and jelly for the orioles, catbirds and sometimes woodpeckers . The fledglings stayed under cover in the bushes and trees nearby with food delivery by both parents for about a week. Next came their arrival to the branches closest to the food where they would beg and call and flutter their wings. Sometimes they would be fed, sometimes they were ignored and left alone, and sometimes the baltimore orioles would give em a peck and move em on their way. This early evening after a triple feeding, Dad flew off and the fledgling eventually found its way to the orange/jelly successfully. For me, this was rooting for your "favorite team" in the ninth inning. Several scolds and pecks from baltimore orioles, several big stretches which resulted in landing on the ground. Perseverance paid off as the bird repeatedly flew back up to the branch and then finally reached the holy grail. So here is the last feeding before this chick could do it all by itself.

Nikon D5 600mm
ISO 3200
f 5

John Mack
07-24-2020, 02:33 PM
Long time no post. A nice one for sure. I like the pose on both birds. The dark background is nice. Diffused light really brang out the details nice and evenly. I do see a faint checkered pattern below the left bird.

Arthur Morris
07-24-2020, 03:21 PM
Neat-o. The young bird is killer beautiful. I elminated three nubs and one small knothole below the adult's tail.


Arthur Morris
07-24-2020, 03:22 PM
ps: I should have gotten rid of the one under the youngster!


07-24-2020, 04:19 PM
Hi Artie, thank you for the clean-up and killer compliment. Perch looks less distracting.

07-24-2020, 04:21 PM
Hi John, Thank you, would you please elaborate bout the checkerboard pattern, I'm on my 27" I-mac and i can't see it, whats it about, why would it be there?

John Mack
07-24-2020, 05:27 PM
It looks like 4 squares right under the branch on the left. Directly under the birds foot.

07-24-2020, 06:09 PM
It looks like 4 squares right under the branch on the left. Directly under the birds foot.

Thanks for the location still can't see it. BTW, did not change exposure on this image, nor did i do anything to the BG, almost full frame...

07-24-2020, 10:41 PM
Depth of field on the birds and the details are really good....

Brian Sump
07-24-2020, 11:20 PM
Ann, a beautiful image and a dramatic bkg. Very nice!

Not sure if they are that way in the field but picking up some blues in the legs (esp the bird on left). Wish for a touch more sharpness in head on the right bird but really hard to nit.

Thank you, well done.

Krishna Prasad kotti
07-25-2020, 01:21 AM
Beautiful Light and colorsful birds.

Black background is nice. Well done.


David Roach
07-25-2020, 01:21 AM
Love the way the parent child interaction is framed and amplified off that black BG. Beautiful light, details, pose and colors on both. TFS

Both eyes...

07-25-2020, 02:55 AM
sweet shot Ann, love the interaction ...excellent dark BG to provide contrast and focus on the subject. both sharp too


Bill Dix
07-25-2020, 02:57 PM
Wonderfully dramatic colors and lighting. Well done.

gail bisson
07-26-2020, 08:39 AM
Welcome back Ann! Missed you on BPN.
Lovely frame. The colors are gorgeous. I do not see any checkered pattern on my iMac.
Both birds look great and like the dramatic black BG,

Robert Kimbrell
07-26-2020, 12:05 PM
Beautiful frame. Great colors on both. I am really liking the Black background.