View Full Version : Mayapple Flower

Ravi Hirekatur
06-06-2020, 04:23 PM
These bloom in may. Flowers are hidden under the umbrella like large leaves. Often hard to get a good image as most of these plants are clustered.
This is a stack of 14 images.
Canon 7DII + 180/3.5 + tripod
f/8, 1/50, ISO 640
DPP4, PSCC, Zerene stacker, Nik detail extractor and tonal contrast

Jonathan Ashton
06-07-2020, 02:48 AM
Ravi is the same plant that John posted, in which case it is not the same plant that I have in my garden, the flower is entirely different.
The stack worked well I am guessing you used Zerene - did you stack DMax or PMap? I ask because I have only been using it for a month or so and subjects with smooth edges seem to stack more definitively withe DMax, subjects like dragonflies better with PMax.

Details in the flower head look good, I like the colours. Just maybe tone down the bright emerald greens a little?

Ravi - I just noticed you replied to John on his image (I don't get automatic response notification for some reason) - yes this is different to my plant which is more like a shrub really.

John Mack
06-07-2020, 09:04 AM
Nice view of the flower. Bet you got a stiff neck getting this one. The stacking worked out quite nicely. Also like the lone dew drop.

Ravi Hirekatur
06-07-2020, 10:12 AM
Thanks Jonathan and John. I did get a stiff neck as I had to lie down on the ground to get level with the flower. manual focus stacking was also challenging.
Jonathan, I am reposting the image with corrections as you mentioned.
I find it challenging working with Zerene stacker. I use PMap most of the time. if the alignment of all the frames are not perfect, you get a lost of noise and some halo around the edges. I do manually correct selecting the appropriate frame for sharpness. sometimes, it takes a good hour for some images. It could be better with in camera focus stacking. I never had success with DMax. as I understand it works well for contrasty images, but finding the appropriate percent to get good edges is also challenging. Again, any misalignment among the frames results in dark streaked halos around the edges.