View Full Version : Masked Lapwing

Colin Driscoll
05-22-2020, 11:35 PM
This bird finished a deep preening session with a big fluff and shake of the wardrobe.
1DXIII 600 f4 III 1.4x III 840 mm HH
1/2000 f6.3 iso3200 (auto) ev +1.3 heavy overcast
Cropped near 50% from landscape
Levels, S&H selectively on bird only, light sharpen bird only.

Brian Sump
05-23-2020, 12:13 AM
Colin, a fantastically odd bird. I have never seen one and it's kinda hard to stop looking at it.

Square crop is a unique choice as well. I wonder if you won't hear that taking some off the top is more appealing; I could go either way.


Jonathan Ashton
05-23-2020, 02:16 AM
Yes the square crop works for me, I like the pose, good details though I think there is just a possibility of getting more out of the dark head feathers and the yellow wattles.

David Roach
05-23-2020, 08:44 AM
What Jonathon said and I think the slight motion blur is in just the right places. Really adds to the already interesting pose. TFS

Daniel Cadieux
05-23-2020, 09:07 AM
Great bird on an interesting perch. When birds fluff out like this I always press the shutter, but for some reason I am rarely happy with the poses. This one is OK-ish. My personal opinion is that there is too much space above and therefore I would crop some out up there.

Bill Dix
05-23-2020, 09:13 AM
Yes, a great bird, in a good post-preening pose. Sharp on the head where it matters. I would also take a bit off the top.

John Mack
05-23-2020, 02:48 PM
Sharp where it counts. I like the ruffled feathers. The bird is nicely seprated from the background. Rock perch is nice as well.