View Full Version : Golden Crowned Sparrow

04-01-2020, 11:34 PM
Taken on neighborhood walk yesterday.
I am sure people have noticed the lack of people and activity have had a huge effect if you live in an urban area. More birds, a lot less noise in the city.
A lot less pollution.
Worldwide. Incredible.
D500, 500pf, f5.6, 1/640, iso640

2DS_0636bp.jpg (http://www.birdphotographers.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=185668&stc=1&d=1585801966)

Andreas Liedmann
04-02-2020, 04:04 AM
Hi Dan ... nice one !!
Some might say the tail across the twig is not that great ... I do not care .

Looking at the image I do see two minor issues , for the given overcast light I do think the colors are " too warm " , I would expect an overall cooler appearance . For sure a matter of taste .
Second thing is the sharpening ... does look too strong for me , depending on your workflow an easy fix .. as your enemy is the white fringe of the sharpening ( any sharpening method ) . The white fringe is more evident and visible as the lighter things jumping more into our eyes , making things look sharper and on the same hand making them look more " crunchy " or over sharp !!! By reducing the light fringe/ halo or whatever you want to call it ... one can overcome the dilemma .

Last thing is just for my understanding .... why are you having that much grain in your images , even at low Iso settings ???!!! Her you have eliminated almost 99 % of them by using NR to the BG . But you have forgotten .... a small section where it is visible !!! The area between the legs is showing these artifacts ... just want to know where they are coming from ???

TFS Andreas

John Mack
04-02-2020, 03:19 PM
Nice view of this sparrow. Like the pose and how the bird is right in the crotch of the tree.

William Dickson
04-02-2020, 03:52 PM
I like the detail and pose on the bird...BG is nice but for me the perch is too much.


Dorian Anderson
04-03-2020, 09:45 AM
Good stare from this guy, and I like the look at the claws. Yeah the perch has a strong presence, but this is a proper field photograph and not an artificial set-up. I've wanted a shot of this species for years and not been able to get one yet.
They are skulky and tough to get in the open unless on the ground (boring). I do not have issues with the temp/color as presented. I do see the little noise artifact Andreas note between the feet. Otherwise a nice image!

Dave Harwood
04-11-2020, 07:14 AM
Dan, How important it is to get out and spend time in a place where we can be reminded of nature's abiding vitality. That, in essence, is the narrative your shot conveys: a sparrow looking straight ahead with full confidence. Technically, maybe just a tad over sharpened, maybe? It's a toss-up because bringing to attention the barbs and rachis to this degree has value. Otherwise, the composition and the handling of what was probably a very busy background are well done. Your offering is a gift for the rest of us. Thank you! Dave Harwood